Twenty-Four || Beautiful

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A/N : 🎵 Your hand in my hand 🤝🏻 I could never choose to love another 💗 Maybe one day I can learn to love ❤️‍🩹... you 🙁... too 😞... 🎵 

The following morning, the forest had been covered in fluffy, white snow, while everyone continued on doing their own business as usual. The main Kingdom of Science crew was working on their experiments, while the villagers went about their daily routine.

"Whoa, I got an incredible ideaaa!!" Chrome yelled eagerly, standing in front of you and Senku like a hyper kid, "Let's go check out the caves! We could go way deeper than we could before and we won't need torches anymore!"

"Right. With the help of batteries and lightbulbs we could go ten billion times further." Senku answered, although a little monotonously.

"Wait, wait, wait. That's a great idea, have-it-all!" You gasped abruptly, a grin stretching over your lips.

In contrast to Senku's response, yours was quite enthusiastic.

"Dude, let's go mining!" You cried out, gushing like a fangirl, "There are loads of minerals that were hiding just beyond our reach."

"I know right?!" Chrome's head turned towards you, and his eyes glowed even brighter, "We are totally gonna be the 'Science Spelunkers' team! We're gonna nab some incredible mineral resources."

You excitedly nodded your head before suddenly you appeared right next to Chrome wearing mining gear — A flashlight, two bags for basic items, and a large basket on your back.

The others just gave you a curious, deadpan gaze, questioning; 'Where did she get all that gear and how?'

"Let's fucking go, (Name)!" Chrome linked his arm around yours, both with the same confidence in your eyes, "You and Senku may be leagues ahead of me in science. But when it comes to exploring, I'm ten billion times more skilled!"

"Naturally, you have experience." Once more, Senku answered in a bored tone.

"What do we need, huh? Just name it." Chrome gave a smug smirk, "Captain Chrome and Commander (Name) will go find it for you all."

You cackle maniacally, eyes shining with something truly nasty behind them, "It sucks to tell you this, Chrome, but there are no materials missing."


In the blink of an eye, you already saw him on all fours, head down, with nothing but a dejected expression on his face, "S-So... We don't need to go exploring?"

"Pfft- No worries, Dora the Explorer." You pat his shoulder, offering him an optimistic thumb up but with pure evil intentions, "Even though we have everything we need, we still need more minerals and extra copper."

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