Overture prt 3

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Charlie has arrived exactly where he wants to be: the Embassy of Heaven with the watchtower. She opens the door to take a look inside.

"Hello!" Charlie's voice echoes.

Charlie walks through the door and finds the entire embassy deserted. She walks to the front desk to check in.

"Hello?" Charlie's voice echoes again, "Creepy..."

Charlie arrives at the reception with no one but a single bell. She rings the bell to ring it, and instantly, a golden scroll and a feather ink pen float from above towards her.

"Oh, okay..." Charlie signs it, "It's creepy too." She smiled nervously.

The scroll and quill fly upwards before disappearing. Just then, the twin doors open to show Charlie the meeting room, and she enters the dark room with no one around.

"Uh...hello? Is anyone here?" Charlie asked.

The lights suddenly turned on, revealing two angels at the end of the room, one of which is an exorcist lieutenant, Lute, and the big boss of the Angel Army, Adam, who is eating a rib in his hand.

"Sup" Adam smiled.

"Holy shit!" Charlie jumped.

Charlie fell down immediately after being surprised by the sudden appearance of two angels in the room. She stands up and readjusts herself to present herself properly.

"Hi, I'm Charlie. My dad asked me if he could meet you." Charlie smiled.

"Yes I know". Adam leaned back as he wore a necklace with a sun symbol.

"Okay, good." Charlie smiled nervously.

Adam eats the rip out of him like a buzz saw.

"Nice to meet you". Charlie sat down.

"Totally. It's nice to meet you too." Adam just nods his mind.

Adam reaches out to give Charlie a handshake, and as she is about to shake his hand, his hand slips away, revealing that he is a hologram, effervescent from time to time after being touched, which scares Charlie. Charlie.

"Ha! I fucking got you." Adam turns to Lute: "Did you see that?" Adam laughed.

The lute nods once.

Adam laughs more, "Ha. Good shit."

Charlie was trying to clear something up with Adam being a hologram.

"Uh...so wait. You're not here?" Charlie asked.

"No, do you think he'd go down there?" Adam laughs: "No, I mean, I totally love the vibe, I love your songs. Pretty fucking hardcore, don't get me wrong. But! It sucks! Man. Everything down there is so 'eugh,'" You know?" He laughs, "Ew."

"Right. So I'm glad we got this chance to meet. There's a project I've been working on that I really want to talk about..." Charlie smiled nervously.

Adam puts his finger on Charlie's lips to calm her down for a moment.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, slow down. We have time. How about we get to know each other a little? Hmm. How about we have lunch? Are you hungry?" Adam smiled as he took a plate of ribs he's been eating towards Charlie, "This is my personal favorite. You'll love it."

"Uh...thank you." Charlie smiled a little.

Charlie went to grab a piece of rib, but her hand passed right through them, also revealing to be a hologram, as they fizzed from the touch, and Adam laughed.

"I got you again, bitch!" Adam laughs, "Fuck, hilarious!" He laughed more.

Charlie makes a small, unamused laugh alongside Adam's hyperactive laugh.

Carmilla Carmine X (fallen) Female readerWhere stories live. Discover now