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Cutting back to Charlie's meeting with Adam, she looked bored, leaning on her elbows as she listened to Adam push himself and his sex life over the top. The camera cuts to Adam.)

Adam: "So, I was playing this gig, and for some damn reason, this virtue girl was digging at the drummer, and it was all like, "do you know who I am? I'm fucking Adam. "I'm the original dick!" (Pointing at her penis across the table)

(Cuts to Charlie)

Adam: "All the dicks came down from me. You think you want a drummer's dick? (Lute shaking his head) There's no way! I'm the fucking master! (He eats a bite of ribs casually) So, "Anyway, then we fucked, and it was amazing. What have you done this weekend?"

(Charlie realized what Adam said and realizes one thing about the boss.)

Charlie: "Wait, your name is Adam? The first man, Adam, that means you... Oh..."

(Charlie puts the puzzle together and was surprised that this is very awkward and disturbingly creepy upon hearing the story Adam was proclaiming, realizing that this is the reason her mother left him, making her wince in awkwardness.)

Charlie: "(low voice) That explains a lot."

Adam: "I know. I'm into rock. (Hold a rock pose)"

(Charlie dismisses Adam's discomfort and gets to his matter-in-hand topic.)

Charlie: "Well, Adam, sir. Mr. Adam, sir."

Adam: "Call me, Dickmaster."

Charlie: "Adam. You seem like a smart (pause) and upright guy."

Adam: "(picking up teeth) Uh-huh."

Charlie: "And I know that you are the leader of the angels. And you are a great thinker, a revolutionary. A... A genius!"

Adam: "I mean, your words, honey."

Charlie: "Who would love to put his name on something?"

Adam: "I love putting my name in shit! Shit, the best!"

Charlie: "It's our biggest solution to our problem!"

Adam: "Oh, Herpes. Right, that's a bitch."

Charlie: "No! Our... other biggest problem."

Adam: "Oh...uh...ugly people? Math? Global warming? No, wait, that's Earth's problem."

(Charlie couldn't believe how stupid Adam is about oblivious to the problem of overpopulation and extermination of him, as Adam tries to make some sense just for him, and looked at him with annoyance.)

Adam: "Ummm..."

Carmilla Carmine X (fallen) Female readerWhere stories live. Discover now