Chapter 10 - You're Free

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Everyone had the impression that Xu Bai Chuan loved to smile, but didn’t like joking around. On the contrary, he minded his every word and action and never squandered the privileges of his own weight in other’s hearts.

A few words are easy to say, yet words held enormous weight.

The low air pressure was in any case still circulating. Yet, at that moment the atmosphere became even more stagnant.

Song Yi Yu confusedly looked back and forth between Xu Bai Chuan and Tang Jin. The former was smiling gently while the latter was like a coming storm in the mountains. His heart trembled and he took a look at Cheng Xu. It just so happens that he captured the sight of Earth’s companion¹ who always lived life happily being startled. While seated upright facing the table, Cheng Xu used the corner of his eye to cast a glance at Xu Bai Chuan, as the raised corner of his lips slowly lowered.
[T/N: 1 A lyric from a song meaning to live freely and being unconstrained]

The atmosphere changed so abruptly that his intuition felt amiss.

Whether it was Xu Bai Chuan’s frank attitude, Tang Jin’s expression which was on the verge of fury or his friend’s abnormal expression, nothing matched his expectations.

The three people formed a circle that excluded him. It was like there was a matter that he was in the dark about.

After realizing this, Song Yi Yu couldn’t sit still so he tried to break the ice. “I just got off the plane and I’m really hungry. We—”

At this moment, Tang Jin spoke up. This time his line of sight wasn’t evasive, rather he stared fixedly at Xu Bai Chuan and said, “My place isn’t one where you could come and go as you please. You may resign. After resigning, don’t return.”

Liking a person was like contracting a sickness. The sickness comes like a landslide but leaves slowly like spinning silk². It was one thing to make up your mind, yet another thing to revoke all your feelings for someone. Feelings of shame, melancholy, the want to evade a confrontation with Song Yi Yu and the pervading inferiority made Xu Bai Chuan extremely uncomfortable. Frankly, he wished there were dishes on the table so he could smash it on someone. It should not only be him that was in a difficult situation so far in this scene of carnage.
[T/N: 2 Idiom – Sickness is contracted suddenly but the recuperation takes a long time.]

The heavens were uncooperative for there were no dishes on the table. Even if there were, it was just a thought he had. After all, it wasn’t easy for this Evil Dragon to have grown this big. It was better to stay alive.

He wanted to put on his unconquerable mask. He tried once, then again before finally putting on a nonchalant smile and said, “Okay.”

Tang Jin fixedly looked at him as if to search for any clues on his face, but Xu Bai Chuan had already developed his acting skills to the point of perfection over the years. Leaning backward, he relaxedly continued. “I already completed the handover to Xiao Wang half a month ago. We didn’t have any official employment contract so there is no need for me to write up any resignation letter on paper. I’ve verbally applied and you’ve verbally agreed. We’ll take it as the process being completed.” He took a glimpse at Song Yi Yu and spoke again, “I’ve already brought away the things I need. You can do as you wish with whatever is leftover.”

Tang Jin’s complexion became darker and darker. After listening, he clicked his tongue and swallowed everything he wanted to say. Turning his head away, he grabbed the menu on the table and said in a muffled voice, “Let’s eat first.”

Sitting up straight, Xu Bai Chuan moved over to look at the menu while saying, “Right, let’s eat before talking.”

Tang Jin’s hand which was pinching the menu halted and he quickly took a glance at Xu Bai Chuan. He pressed the bell beside him to call the waiter and order dishes.

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