A Promise of Love and Justice

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Author's POV

In the sprawling Haveli of the Roy Choudhury family, young Anirudh's childhood was marred by tragedy. Losing his mother at the tender age of 12 left a void in his heart, one that his father and kaka burdened by the weight of tradition and societal expectations, sought to fill by sending him away to London.

As a member of the esteemed Roy Choudhury family, Anirudh was expected to uphold the legacy of his ancestors. Completing his barrister studies in London was not just a choice for him but a duty. And so, at the age of 19, Anirudh returned to his ancestral home, greeted by the warm embrace of his family and the familiar surroundings of his childhood.

As Anirudh Roy Choudhury, returns to his family home in Tulsipur, Kolkata, after completing his barrister studies in London, he is enveloped by a wave of nostalgia and anticipation. The familiar sights and sounds of his childhood neighborhood greet him warmly, setting the stage for a reunion filled with both joy and tension.

His first encounter is with Batuk, the youngest and most mischievous of the siblings. With a twinkle in his eye and a smirk on his lips, Batuk wastes no time in regaling Anirudh with tales of his latest escapades, each one more audacious than the last. Despite the exasperation he feels at Batuk's antics, Anirudh can't help but smile at the boundless energy and enthusiasm of his younger brother.

Next, Anirudh seeks out Somnath, the quiet and introspective middle child who harbors dreams of becoming a doctor. Their reunion is marked by a shared sense of understanding and mutual respect, as Anirudh listens attentively to Somnath's aspirations and offers words of encouragement and support.

But it is the meeting with his Kaka that tugs at Anirudh's heartstrings the most. A man of the same age as his father, Kaka is deeply superstitious, his beliefs steeped in the traditions and customs of their homeland. Yet beneath his outward demeanor of sternness and rigidity lies a heart of gold, brimming with love and affection for his beloved nephew. As they embrace, Anirudh is reminded of the unwavering bond that ties them together, transcending the barriers of time and tradition.

Finally, Anirudh seeks out his father, a man of few words whose quiet demeanor belies a depth of emotion and affection.

As the reunion unfolds, Anirudh is reminded of the intricate tapestry of relationships that define his family. Each interaction, each embrace, serves as a reminder of the enduring bonds of love and kinship that bind them together, transcending the boundaries of time and distance.

Amidst the hustle and bustle of the family filled with males, he finally laid eyes on Saudamini, his childhood friend and his love of life which he assumed to be who had come to meet him. There was a faint flicker of recognition in his eyes as they met, but his reaction was subdued, almost imperceptible.

Despite the passage of time, Anirudh's happiness at seeing Saudamini remained undiminished. He greeted her with a warm smile and a brief embrace, content to simply be in her presence once again. For him, she was not just a friend from the past, but a familiar face in a world that had changed so much during his absence.

As they caught up on each other's lives, Anirudh's demeanor was one of quiet contentment. He listened attentively to Saudamini's stories, sharing in her joys and sorrows with genuine empathy. And though the romantic notions he once harbored had long faded into the background, his affection for her remained steadfast, anchoring him to the cherished memories they had forged together.

However, amidst the joyous reunion, Anirudh's attention was drawn to a somber event unfolding in the neighboring village. It was the wedding ceremony of his dear friend, but the atmosphere was fraught with tension and despair due to chaos in the nearby Mandap. Anirudh soon discovered the reason behind the melancholy ambiance-a young girl named Bondita, barely 10 years old, was destined to become a sati.Even in unconsciousness, Bondita's essence couldn't be contained. Lying still, her vibrant spirit seemed to hum beneath the surface, as if waiting for the opportune moment to burst forth once more. Even with her eyes closed and her body at rest, the lingering traces of her bubbly nature and talkative spirit lingered in the air, a testament to the indomitable energy that defined her very being.

Bondita's fate seemed sealed as her elderly groom, on the brink of death, collapsed during the marriage ceremony. With her would be husband's sudden demise, Bondita faced the grim prospect of immolation on his funeral pyre, a fate dictated by the rigid traditions of their society.

Unable to stand idly by, Anirudh intervened, his heart heavy with determination and compassion. In a bold move to save Bondita from the cruel clutches of tradition, Anirudh offered himself as her husband, invoking the age-old custom that forbade the sati of a married woman.

Reluctantly, yet bound by the laws of custom and honor, the villagers accepted Anirudh's proposal, and thus began an unconventional union born out of necessity but destined for something more profound.

Bondita's infectious joy and bubbly nature endeared her to Anirudh Roy Choudhury's family from the moment she stepped into their lives. Despite initial reservations, her warmth and vivacity gradually melted away any lingering doubts, weaving her seamlessly into the fabric of their household.Despite initial resistance from his family members, Anirudh remained steadfast in his commitment to Bondita, guiding her with patience and kindness. As the years passed, their relationship transcended the boundaries of duty, blossoming into a deep and abiding love.

Anirudh became not only Bondita's husband but also her mentor, nurturing her intellect and empowering her to pursue her dreams. With his unwavering support, Bondita defied societal expectations and embarked on a journey of education, eventually becoming a barrister herself.

Their love story, once rooted in obligation, evolved into a partnership of equals, bound together by mutual respect and a shared desire for justice. And as they stood side by side, hand in hand, they became beacons of hope in a world marred by inequality and oppression.

In the end, Anirudh and Bondita's love story was not just about defying tradition but about rewriting the rules, forging a path of love and justice that illuminated the darkness and inspired generations to come.


This narrative serves as a concise outline of the serial Barrister Babu, acting as a foundational blueprint for the unfolding saga. Catering to both newcomers and avid followers alike, it provides a structured framework upon which subsequent stories and one-shots can build.

I was so excited that I couldn't contain myself as I wrote this chapter.

So this was my attempt on the summary of the serial barrister Babu

Hope you liked it..!! And So for now i would take a leave.


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