Healing Harmony

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This short chapter is a random musical one-shot that materialized from a sudden thought in my mind. It's a spontaneous creation with no relevant meaning or detail.

Author's POV

In their humble abode, Anirudh confronts Bondita, his heart ablaze with betrayal and hurt.

Bondita stands before Anirudh, her heart heavy with guilt, knowing she has shattered his trust.

Through gentle mists of thought, she found her way,
A spark of insight, like the break of day.
In the tender bloom of understanding's flower,
She crafted lyrics to soften anger's power.

With empathy's embrace, she formed her plan,
To mend the rift, as only love can.

Bondita: "Achaa ji main haari, chalo maan jaao naa..."[alright i admit defeat, please now don't be mad at me]
In a fleeting moment, Anirudh's anger did fade,
Yet shadows of frustration upon Bondita he laid.
Though his storm had passed, a new tempest brewed,
His words, sharp as thorns, with anger imbued.

Anirudh: "Dekhi sabki yaari, meraa dil jalaao naa..."[I have seen your friendship, now do not anger me anymore]

Bondita's voice quivers with remorse as she pleads for his understanding with her utterly adorable antics.

Bondita: "Chhote se kusoor pe, aise ho khafaa..."[why are you mad at one small mistake?]
Anirudh's anger dissipates like morning mist, but in its wake, he chooses a playful tease.

Anirudh: "Roothe to huzuur the, meri kyaa khataa..."[but it was you who was sulking, why blame me?].

Bondita's heart aches as she witnesses the pain she has inflicted upon Anirudh. She holds his hand with tears in her doe eyes and hope in her heart , She says..

Bondita: "Dekho dil naa thodo, ..."[look, do not break my heart.]
Anirudh's resolve begins to falter as he sees the sincerity in Bondita's eyes.

Anirudh: "are! chhodo haath chhodo..." [arre! leave my hand.] Feeling guilty seeing Bondita's tears, Anirudh stayed firm in his belief that lying was wrong. He pulled her hand away in anger, though inside, he felt sorry. Seeing her tears melt his resolve.

Bondita's tears mingle with her plea for forgiveness as she reaches out to Anirudh.

With a blend of authority and vulnerability, Bondita says "Chhod diyaa to haath maloge samajhe? "[ if i left your hand then you will repent, understand?] With her big eyes threatening him to just melt.

Anirudh felt the last vestiges of his resistance melt away, replaced by a newfound sense of understanding and acceptance, as he says sweetly "Ajii samajhe!"[Ah, I understand.] With a defeat.

Their voices blend in a bittersweet harmony, a melody of reconciliation weaving through the air as they seek to mend the fractures in their relationship.

I know this one was very short but I couldn't control the urge to upload something on this song.

This chapter holds nothing in detail. Please listen to that song. It is a true Masterpiece.

Okay so nothing more than this.


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