Love's imprint

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In the unfolding narrative, the spotlight shines on the initial moment of profound closeness between our protagonists, Anirudh and Bondita, as they navigate the delicate terrain of burgeoning affection and shared intimacy.

Age details:
Bondita anirudh roy choudhary : 17
Anirudh roy choudhary : 26

Readers are welcome to modify the ages of Anirudh and Bondita to suit their preferences.

Author's POV

In the sanctified silence of the Durga Mandir, Anirudh and Bondita stood bathed in the soft glow of candlelight, their hearts laid bare in the presence of the divine goddess. With trembling hands and hesitant voices, they had dared to confess their newfound romantic love for each other, setting in motion a tender and hesitant romance that bloomed with each passing moment.

As they emerged from the mandir to the study, the air tingled with the electric anticipation of unspoken desires. Anirudh stole a furtive glance at Bondita, his heart pounding with nervous excitement. With a tender smile, he reached for her hand, his fingers intertwining with hers in a silent pledge of affection.

Bondita's breath caught in her throat as she felt the warmth of Anirudh's touch, her pulse quickening with the thrill of newfound love. With a shy smile, she leaned into his embrace, her heart racing with the uncertainty of uncharted territory.

"Pati Babu," she whispered softly, her voice barely above a breath, "I never knew love could feel like this."

In the quiet of the royal Haveli's study room
Bondita and Anirudh found their space.
A glance exchanged, a smile in bloom,
Their hearts intertwined in a silent room.

Anirudh chuckled as he watched Bondita sit back on the royal green couch while taking a random book , her mind obviously preoccupied. Sensing the hesitance brewing between them, he decided to break the silence by pulling up a stool and sitting near her.He asked "You seem lost in thought, Bondita. What's on your mind?"

Bondita, without looking up from her book, replied in a slightly distracted tone, "Oh, nothing much, just lost in this book."

Anirudh, noticing that Bondita was reading the book upside down, couldn't help but tease her gently saying "I didn't know you could read books upside down too, Bondita. Impressive!"

Bondita's eyes widened in surprise, realizing her mistake. She nervously smiled and tried to come up with a quick excuse.
"Oh, um, well, you see... I was just testing my... um, my neck flexibility! Yes, that's it!"

Anirudh chuckled at her silly excuse, enjoying the playful banter between them. Bondita couldn't help but join in, relieved that the tension between them was dissipating.

In a tender gaze, their hearts entwined,
Drawn together by a love undefined.
Closer they leaned, lost in a trance,
Unaware of the fateful dance.

With love's whisper in their eyes so bright,
Anirudh sought permission in the quiet of the night.
His silent plea, a question in disguise,
Asking for a kiss with his soul's cries.

Bondita, longing for this moment's embrace,
With her eyes, she granted him grace.
No words spoken, just a silent vow,
Two souls uniting in the here and now.

For years they'd yearned, hearts entwined,
This kiss, a moment in time designed.
In the depths of their souls, a love's glow,
Anirudh and Bondita, now letting it show.

Anirudh's heart swelled with emotion looking at her , his love for her burning brighter than ever before. Leaning down, he captured her lips in a tender kiss, their souls intertwining in a passionate embrace that spoke volumes of their deep, abiding love.

As they broke apart, their breaths coming in ragged gasps, Anirudh's eyes bore into Bondita's with a fervent intensity. "Bondita," Anirudh murmured, his voice thick with emotion, "you are the light of my life, my soul's greatest treasure."

Tears glistened in Bondita's eyes as she reached up to caress his cheek, her touch a gentle reassurance of their shared love. "And you, Pati Babu," she whispered, her voice filled with tenderness, "are my guiding star, my anchor in the storm."

In the hushed intimacy of their private study, Anirudh and Bondita found themselves enveloped in a cocoon of desire and longing. The air crackled with electric anticipation as they sat face to face, their hearts pounding with the intensity of their shared emotions.

Anirudh's gaze locked with Bondita's, his eyes burning with an intensity that sent shivers down her spine. In that moment, all pretense melted away, leaving only the raw, unbridled passion that simmered beneath the surface of their restrained affection.

But just as they savored the sweetness of their intimate moment, they were interrupted by the mischievous antics of Anirudh's younger brother, Batuk. Bursting into the study with a mischievous grin, Batuk exclaimed, "Ah, look what we have here! The kadoos Anirudh dada and my sweet Bondita Boudi, lost in their own little world of romance!"

Anirudh's cheeks flushed crimson with embarrassment as Bondita buried her face in her hands, mortified by her brother-in-law's teasing. "Batuk!" she scolded, her voice tinged with embarrassment. "How dare you come inside without knocking the door!"

But Batuk was unfazed by his boudi's reprimand, his laughter ringing out like a joyous melody. "Come on, boudi, don't be such a killjoy!" he teased, his eyes dancing with mischief. "You two make such a cute couple, I couldn't resist!"

Despite the interruption, Anirudh and Bondita couldn't help but laugh at Batuk's antics, their hearts lightened by the playful banter of youth. In that moment, they realized that even the most embarrassing moments could be turned into cherished memories, forever etched in the tapestry of their love. And amidst the laughter and teasing, they found solace in the knowledge that their love was as enduring as it was pure, destined to withstand the test of time.

First ever try in the beautiful genre of romance. More than them I felt very shy writing over their intimate moment.I felt the words in Italic were poetic..was it so??

And about their age, I felt it would be okay for a 17-year-old in the early 20th century to get a first kiss. That's okay, right? Many of them had children at the age of 14. It is far better. It was not even forced, so I felt it is justified for a 17-year-old to get her first kiss from her own husband with their consent .

This one can be taken as a continuation of the chapter "pour out of soul's affection "

And Time slipped away unnoticed, 11 days gone in a blink. Surprisingly, amidst exams, I managed to write the story. But Now, with idle days at home, the blame falls on me. Shameful, I'll strive to update soon.

So now bye..! Before I die out of shy thinking of their first intimate moment..!

Anidita:Love's LiberationOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz