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Again a random one..!

It is an embarrassing encounter between Anirudh and Bondita, about Bondita's, fantasies, and reading habits.

Age details:
Bondita anirudh roy choudhary : 17
Anirudh roy choudhary : 26

Readers are welcome to modify the ages of Anirudh and Bondita to suit their preferences.

Author's POV

In the quiet confines of their Roy choudhary haveli, Anirudh often found solace amidst the dusty tomes that lined the shelves of the study. It was a sanctuary of knowledge, a place where he could lose himself in the world of words and ideas. Little did he know that within these hallowed walls lay a secret waiting to be unveiled.

One Afternoon , as the soft glow of sun illuminated the room, Anirudh's curiosity led him to explore the shelves in search of a new literary adventure. But as he scanned the titles, his attention was drawn to a peculiar sight—a well-worn copy of a romance novel or say erotic novel "Lady Chatterley's Lover" nestled among the weighty volumes of philosophy and history almost kept there to be hidden.

Intrigued by this unexpected discovery, Anirudh reached for the book and turned its pages, his eyes widening in surprise as he recognized the name inscribed on the cover—Bondita. Could it be possible that his beloved wife harbored a secret penchant for romantic fiction?

Anirudh stumbled upon some underlined lines in the book, hinting at Bondita's fantasies. He couldn't read more than five minutes; it was too erotic. The colored underlining of those words left him blushing with shyness.

Determined to unravel the mystery, Anirudh set out to confront Bondita about her clandestine reading habits. With a mixture of trepidation and excitement, he broached the subject that evening as they sat together in the cozy confines of her chamber.

"Bondita," he began tentatively, his gaze fixed on her as he held up the book he had found earlier. "I couldn't help but notice this among the books in the library. Care to explain?"

Bondita's embarrassment was palpable as Anirudh confronted her about her secret reading habits. Her cheeks flushed crimson, and she averted her gaze, unable to meet his eyes as she struggled to find the right words to explain herself. Feeling exposed and vulnerable, she responded nervously "Oh, that? Um, well, you see..."

As Anirudh pressed her for an explanation "I'm listening, Bondita." Bondita's mind raced, frantically searching for excuses to justify her actions. She stumbled over her words,"I... um... I enjoy exploring different genres of literature, pati babu. These novels offer a... different perspective on human relationships. I hope you understand." offering feeble explanations and half-hearted justifications in a desperate attempt to preserve her dignity and conceal her embarrassment.

However, as Anirudh persisted in his gentle interogation," Bondita, where did you come across these books? I'm just curious."

Bondita with a shivering voice replied in one go, "Pati babu, I... I stumbled upon them at an English store I occasionally visit after school. I was curious about human relationships and... well, I thought they might provide some insight. I hope you're not disappointed in me."

Anirudh inquired with a mix of concern and curiosity, "Bondita, may I ask at what age you bought these books?"

Bondita replied at the peak of embarrassment and hesitancy, "Patibabu, I... I was around fourteen when I first came across them. It was around the time we learned about reproduction in school, and I was curious to explore more about ...Umn you know"

Anirudh simply hummed back to Bondita's response, and they both sat quietly, lost in thought, their cheeks flushed crimson, pondering who knows what.

In that moment of vulnerability, Bondita experienced a profound sense of relief, as the weight of her secret was lifted from her shoulders. And as Anirudh listened with an open heart and a compassionate spirit, she realized that she need not be ashamed of her passions or her vulnerabilities, for true love embraced all aspects of who she was.

To lighten up the mood Bondita playfully teased Anirudh by saying, "You know, patibabu , discovering those novels wasn't the only secret I've been keeping. Seems like we both have our surprises. Care to share yours?"

Anirudh leaned in closer with a playful grin and added a flirtatious touch by saying, "Well, Bondita, it seems you're full of delightful surprises. Who knew behind that innocent facade lies such an intriguing world? I must say, I'm quite intrigued. But I assure you, my dear, my secrets are reserved for those who dare to explore them."

Bondita couldn't resist but react with widened eyes and a slight backward movement, followed by fidgeting with her hands and blushing slightly.

Bondita, with a cheeky grin, flirted with Anirudh to maintain her extroverted nature  by saying, "Looks like you've stumbled upon my naughty little secret, pati babu. But don't worry, darling babu, I promise there's more where that came from. Care to join me on an adventure?"

The next second anirudh heard the darling babu from her he let out a loud gasp with gulping a huge lump forming in his throat. He couldn't help but be bewildered at her flirting skills.

Bondita heartily laughed at his change in body language which was later joined by Anirudh too.

From that day forth, Anirudh and Bondita embarked on a new chapter of their relationship—one filled with shared literary escapades and spirited discussions about the power of love and imagination. And as they lost themselves in the world of fiction together, they discovered a deeper connection that transcended the boundaries of reality, bound by the timeless magic of story reading.

In my fantasy, I envision a scenario where my soulmate or partner discovers my hidden passions and desires, including my love for reading romantic novels. I imagine him stumbling upon my secret stash of books and gently confronting me about it, leading to open and honest conversations about our individual interests and desires.

This story reflects my deepest dreams and desires, manifested through the experiences of Anirudh and Bondita.

And the novel mentioned above "Lady chatterley's Lover" is a actual erotic novel in the early 20th century precisely 1928 and this is now available as a movie in netflix too

And the novel mentioned above "Lady chatterley's Lover" is a actual erotic novel in the early 20th century precisely 1928 and this is now available as a movie in netflix too

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Highly not recommended if you want to maintain some innocence left with you.

Shotti...! I have not watched or read this but came across when i was searching for the erotic books published in that era

Hope you liked it...!


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