Chapter 3

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Izuku's POV:

After I were send back I tried getting some hours sleep. Half an hour later gave up and picked up another book about artificial poison. I even found something I could make myself and decided to try it out later. I need to improve my hero costume anyway. I might add some poisonous knifes and throwing knives as well a gun. I already had first aid supplies with me anyway. However I shouldn't be too focused on OFA because I heard there were new quirk-erasing bullets. Although they weren't as good as those from Overhaul which I was glad to. Maybe I'll get some of those...

I shouldn't think about it and even if I would be able to get some I should give them to principal Nezu first and let him handle that. I pushed the thought aside and focused on my book again.

A few hours later my alarm went off which was unnecessary but used it as a reminder. When I looked at the time I saw that I still had two hours until class with Present Mic started. I prepared myself: took a shower, brushed my teeth, tamed my wild fluffy hair and went into the kitchen where I prepared breakfast for myself. I quickly made black coffee and checked the time again. In half an hour I should go. Meanwhile I might relax.

While I was sitting in the living room with a cup of coffee in my hand, Iida came up to me and greeted me:

„Good morning, Midoriya. How are you feeling today?"

„Good morning you too. Don't worry, I feel a lot better now. You are starting your morning run now? I still have some time left. Would you mind if I join your run?"

„No, I don't mind. We have 20 minutes till we should go to class."

„Great. I bring my cup in the kitchen and then I'll be ready to go."

After I put my now empty cup in the kitchen, I went with Iida. Every morning Iida goes out for a run around the school and sometimes I would join him. While we were running we talked about the school altough Iida said the most. When we were finish running around the school, Iida went back to his dorm to get his things and we went to class.

Soon the others came too and Present Mic started the lession. First we had a vocabulary test. Since I had learned a lot of English, the test wasn't a problem for me. Others like Kaminari or Ashido who didn't learn much, had more difficulties. When we discussed the homework, I stopped listening and focused on my notebook. I wrote some things which I would need later.

I was lost in my thoughts when Mic Sensei suddenly called me out: „Midoriya! Could you please focus on the lession!" Then he explained to the class: „English is a very important language which you should be able to speak fluently. An example: if someone needs help but can't speak Japanese, you have to speak english. English is a widely used language. Midoriya, demonstrate how you would talk to a little kid who got lost." I sighed quietly. Lets get it over with. „Alright. If I meet a child who got lost and doesn't speak Japanese, I would say: ‚Hello, Kid. Are you alright? You look lost. Do you need help searching your parents. My name is Midoriya Izuku and yours?' Was that good enough, Sensei?" I looked at Mic Sensei. „Good job, Midoriya, but pay attention from now on. Alright lets continue..."

Yamada's POV:

I was about to exlain the class something about the english passiv, when I saw that Midoriya didn't paid attention to my lesson. Usually he followed everything I said while writing notes. But this time he was with his own thoughts everywhere but here. So I spoke to him. I also gave him a additional task to annoy him a little. What else was the point of teaching if I can't annoy the students a bit? After hearing his answer I was suprised. Even though he was one of the top students in the class, I didn't expected him to give such an accurate answer. I praised him and continued the lesson.

Izuku's POV:

Finally the school day was over and we could go back to the dorms. I quickly made my way back to my room when Mina rushed over to me. "Hey, Midobabe! Wait a minute. We all want to play truth or dare together. Are you playing along? We even have snacks!" „All right. Wait a moment. I change quickly. I'll come to you immediately!" "Great! See you later!" And she was gone again. I sighed and quickly got ready.

Then I went to the others, grabbed a packet of chips and sat down next to Todoroki. "All right then. Everyone is here now. Then let's get started. Everyone knows the rules. I spin the bottle and the person the bottle is pointing at goes first!" Mina shouted excitedly. She spun the bottle and we waited anxiously to see who the bottle would point at. "MOMO! Truth or dare?" "Uhhh... truth." Mina grinned conspiratorially at her and we all knew that Mina was up to something. "Excellent choice! Which person do you have a crush on? You can't deny. I've seen you blush a lot!" "Ehh- N- No, not true!" Momo's face turned red as she tried denying it. Though we all could see that she was lying. Mina just stared at her intently. "G-good... I like Ji-" We didn't understand the last part, but I noticed Jirou blushing. "What did you say? We couldn't understand you properly!" "I-I-I like y-you... JIROU!!!" The class stared at her in shock while Mina just laughed and said something about I knew it. Jirou, on the other hand, only got redder in the face, if that was even possible. After a while we recovered from our shock, including Jirou. Jirou then said: "I-I like you too, Momo... How-how about we go on a date and then talk more there. That would be a little more private than in front of the whole class..." "W-wait. Really? I meant sure. Let's talk about it later."

Now we had to recover from the shock for the second time... This was only the first round... Hopefully I won't regret agreeing to the game afterwards..After a few turns it was my turn too. "Midoriya! Truth or dare?" Todoroki asked me. "Truth." "Is All Might your father?" "Wh-what? NO! No he is not. How did you come up with that?" "As if you didn't notice. You both have similar quirks. Plus, you spend a lot of time together! You both have the same spirit to save someone in need no matter what, even if it costs your life. Plus, All Might and your mother seemed to know each other. You have so many similarities, you can only be related!" The whole class started laughing. I sighed and said, "No, Todoroki. All Might is not my father." Still, Todoroki didn't look convinced but let it go.

I was just wondering who I should ask now when an idea came to me: "Kirishima, truth or dare?" "Dare!" Damn it! Quickly rethink... "Ok, you should... tell us if you're dating Kacchan!" The class first stared at me in disbelief, then they looked at Kirishima, excited to see his reaction. Kirishima scratched his neck nervously: "Uhh... I think that's not allowed..., right?" You could really see how he started sweating. Kinda funny. "Of course it's allowed! Now tell us Kiri! Are you two together?!" Ashido shouted excitedly. Kirishima already looked desperate and looked in Kacchan's direction for help, who in return simply shrugged his shoulder and then said: "Shitty hair and I are dating. Satisfied? Well fuck off and leave us alone!" The class was once again shocked at what he had said. Ashido cheered: "We have now revealed two ships! A satisfactory result! Good job, Midobabe!" After Ashido's statement, all of us except Kirishima, Kacchan, Jirou and Momo who were exposed, started laughing.

We played until our snacks were gone and Aizawa came to us and said that it was late we should go to sleep. We then went all to bed.

Unfortunately, that was easier said than done. I was lying in my bed wide awake again and didn't know what to do. Thinking back to the night before, I wondered if I might find some peace outside in the fresh air... I can try it. I should actually have a sleeping bag lying around somewhere...I got up, briefly looked for my sleeping bag and went back to the roof. This time I'll make sure I stay unnoticed. I looked for an undisturbed place on the roof, laid down in the sleeping bag and actually fell asleep.

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