Chapter One

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quick side note: this takes place a little after he turns 20 years old, and a little into the future maybe the early 2000's, btw this story does contain nsfw but later on when he's already dead and gone

anyways enjoy!

Alastor, a new scoring radio host broadcasting his songs to the world for those who wish to hear, he was well kept and very tighty clean he was on a strict schedule of waking up early to train his body to not be lazy in fact he had just started his radio broadcast not long ago just maybe two weeks ago

meanwhile in the underworld called hell, headhoncho Lucifer was lacking inspiration after making ducks for a week straight and he suddenly had an idea

the idea was to go up to earth for a while just to see how much it had changed since eden, surely its changed a lot if they have talking portable boxes now so he tightened himself up looking his most humanly possibly attractive he opened his arms up in an almost worshipping manner then pointed his finger and a portal to the human realm materialized before his eyes in which he smiled seeing as he still hasn't lost his spark

he walked through the portal into an alleyway where he could keep a low profile at least for now but he had to find somewhere to stay, if he spawned a mansion in the middle of nowhere people would surely suspect him and it would cause unwanted trouble for him

his face scrunched in disgust seeing how bright and colorful the earthly realm was and how close to heavenly perfect and bright the sun was, he sighed and began to walk around with his hat covering his face so people wouldn't get a close look at his face not that they would due to his height

since people at this time weren't as addicted to the phone as in the future he had to make sure nobody suspected he wasn't a human, however as he was passing by a store he heard a radio broadcast a beautiful singing voice cover over one of his favorite songs (i just want to be the one you love) which was his all time favorite, he walked inside the store and purchased the radio so he could listen to this broadcaster sing the song until it ended, maybe he'd even keep it to listen to the station entirely

he walked into a nearby park that was calmly filled with children running up and down the equipment and playing tag on the wide field of grass while the more older kids played basketball and soccer

he sat on a bench in the shade of a tree as he put the radio on his lap and his hat beside him, crossing his arms and laying his head back to listen to the song as it finally finished and the host introduced himself

"Hello! Alastor here! i hope you enjoyed my darling actress singing that beautiful song for you! next up is .."

he laid his head back groaning in irritation that his song ended as most anyone would do however another old time favorite came on and he smiled as the chilly breeze brushed strands of hair against his cheek

L: "I guess earth isn't too bad, it's got such a calm place like this it could almost come close to hea-"

A: "mind if i sit here my good man?"

a voice interrupted him, he opened his eyes to see a tall brown short haired man, he had a beautiful dark coat of skin and a snarky smirk with the sharp eyes of a killer

L: "sure i don't mind."

he moved his hat and hung it on the corner of the bench for it to hang off of so the man could sit

the man took his sit and looked to the eyes closed lucifer

A: "i see you're listening to my broadcast, did you enjoy my actresses singing? i do occasionally sing on there myself if i feel like it"

lucifer sits up right and takes another look at the man seeing he was generally good looking for a man in these times

L: "huh" he says with a smile

L: "you're better looking then i expected for someone with such a pitched voice"

the man scrunches his smile in offense

A: "and you'd think a man so small would be much younger but here we are"

he looked at the man in a return of offense dropping his jaw angrily

L: "what the hell man?"

A: "what? you offended me so i offended you back there's not much to it, unless you're sensitive"

L: "I am not sensitive! ugh this is ridiculous I'm leaving"

he grabs the radio in his lap along with his hat and was about to take a stand when a hand pulled him back down to his seat

A: "come now, i was only joking how about we get to know each other and not leave on bad terms instead?"

L: "as if assho-"

alastor cuts him off

A: "i have been lacking some enjoyment for some time, how about we get a drink at the nearby bar together? if you're old enough that is"

Lucifer got irritated and was about to get up and storm off again, but he realized this may be his ticket to a free place to stay at the night

he sighed and calmed his nerves before looking back at the man

L: "I'm old enough, I think I'm getting a little cranky so i may just have to accept the offer after all"

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