Chapter Four

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Alastor grabbed his coat and car keys then heading out the door so he could drive to his mother's house as soon as possible to check her health

it took about 10 minutes to get from his house to his mothers but he did eventually get there, he hopped out of his car, obviously putting it in park and turning it off as he rushed inside using the spare key he kept just for situations like these

A: "mother! mother I'm here!"

M: "darling.. I'm- *cough* I'm in here my love don't worry your mother still has some fight left in her"

A: "mom.. have you eaten? where is your caretaker? did that stupid woman leave again?"

M: "don't badmouth a woman alastor i raised you better"

A: *sigh* "yes mom, i apologize but she needs to learn to do her job instead of leaving and getting paid, anyways I'll check your temperature now"

alastor does his chores and check her temperature, it was cold as usual which meant she was slowly withering away, he frowned and walked to the kitchen to cook something warm for her to eat

about a few hours pass and his mother finally gains the strength to sit up but is immediately knocked down by her dying spine strength

alastor doesn't like the sight of that and immediately supports her with his own strength, taking the spoon and helping her eat the warm soup he'd cooked to at least warm her up a little so she wasn't freezing cold

he knows it won't heal her at all but he wants it to at least warm her up

A: "mom, I'll get you the help you need i promise"

M: "darling don't waste your strength, you need to focus on your career and giving me grandchildren"

he rolls his eyes and hits his face with his palm

A: "mother please for gods sake-"

alastor spends hours that he didn't even know flew by so quickly even though he didn't want to his mother forced him off once the caretaker had came back, turns out she wasn't running off but instead went to go get her needed medication which he was at least relieved he was wrong

he spent at least 13 hours with his mother that day yet the care taker came back within 2 due to the long line at the pharmacy

she seemed to care enough and he never heard any bad words come from his mothers mouth about her, which if she was mistreating his mother she'd blab about it nonstop

once he'd managed to get home he walked in, completely forgetting about his company he'd forgotten to tell he would be leaving alone for half a day

L: "so where were you? surely you weren't running away from me right? you can't escape an angel"

A: "fallen* but i guess you're correct and no i wasn't running away I'm not scared of a tiny creature with wings calling themselves an angel, i was with my dying mother since her caretaker had left her alone to get her medication"

lucifer smiled and opened his wings to fly over to the taller man, lifting his chin and smiling as he looked completely confused

he placed a gentle kiss on his cheek

L: "good, because then I'd never know your favor, wouldn't want the devil in debt now would we?"

A: "i suppose not, and i think I've gotten my need, i know what i want to close our end of the deal"

L: "oh? please do tell me I'd love to hear what you have to offer"

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