Chapter Three

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alastor grabs the wrist of the hand on his throat causing him to drop the knife he previously held onto the floor he seemed to not be struggling as much as others would which made Lucifer smile sinisterly

L: "let me stay awhile and I'll grant you one favor"

A: "and for what do i owe the pleasure? you want my soul too?"

L: "don't flatter yourself i just need some entertainment in my life until i go back to my boring castle in hell"

A: "fine you can stay just let me go you crazy man!"

Lucifer smiles and lets go of alastor's throat making him fall against the wall Lucifer stands up on his feet dusting himself off before shifting back to normal and calmly grinning

L: "so! show me where I'll be staying!" he smiles and looks at alastor who was coughing and healing from the inhumanly strong grip from his throat

A: "first room on the right-" *cough*

L: "thanks for letting me stay"

A: "eat shit" he says and Lucifer walks away to his room since it was a long day he planned to do much more tomorrow, and even though he didn't need it he slept comfortably on the bed

which unknown to him was alastor's room, he gave it to him because he didn't have an extra room or even a guest room at that so tonight he'd sleep on the couch if he could sleep from such a big shock

he stayed against the wall on the floor a while until he felt his eyes get tired which he sighed and stood up and walked to the hallway closet to grab a blanket and pillow for himself to sleep at least half decently until tomorrow

for now he just had to deal with this monster now living with him until he went back to hell where he belonged

A: "christ, what did i do to deserve the devil living with me? was i really that bad?"

he said joking to himself sarcastically however before he laid down to sleep he noticed how filthy the hit damaged his home, so he got some materials he'd kept over time and began to work on fixing the wall just so it wouldn't collapse while he was sleeping and cost him even more in the future

Lucifer was in his now room, he took a close look at it and noticed how tighty clean it was though he wasn't complaining he liked how clean it was but jesus he was a clean freak

however it was morning now and lucifer seemed to be sleeping in which alastor was thankful for since he could peacefully enjoy his morning now

yet he could a ring coming from his old time dial phone, he walks over with a gentle smile and picks it up his smile widening as he heard the voice that came through

A: "mother! how have you been?... Is your health getting better?"

M: "hello my dear, i was calling to just let you know that I'd like to have your company enlighten me for a while maybe tomorrow?"

A: "i can come today, i have nothing to do and it's the weekend, not my appointed time so I'm free all day"

M: "that's fine too, just get here safely okay? i don't want you to end up on the tv and end your life before mine does"

A: "yes yes mother i know, i promise to drive safely I'll see you in a bit alright? just hang tight"

he smiled as he hung up the phone and grabbed his coat and car keys before heading out the door, not even bothering to tell lucifer since for a moment he'd forgotten he'd had company

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