Chapter Seven

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A: "you can't do that! we've already made the deal!"

L: "oh i absolutely can, i hold the power of taking back or adding more of your mother's life to the thin string she holds of what's left of it, so from now on if you want your mother to be healthy and happy you'll do as i say"

alastor glared at the shorter man who was taller than him in this situation, as he was sitting on the floor due to him falling back from his hands burning so painfully

his wide smile began to shorten since things weren't going exactly his way, at least as much as he'd hoped, seeing that lucifer was absolutely serious about this he sighed and calmed his nerves

A: "what do you want?"

L: "Your body"

alastor almost choked on his spit the moment he spoke, what the fuck? was he insane? even if he was the all powerful devil himself he'd never give away his body especially like that.. but it was for his mother.. he couldn't live with himself if she'd died sooner because of his selfishness

L: "Don't worry i don't want to have sex with you, I'm simply offering some warmth to my tiny old body"

alastor felt a bit more relieved when he said that, and besides his old friend vox had put him in a predicament such as this but his was less tempting

A: "fine, deal."

alastor held his hand out as lucifer did the same, shaking his hand and making the new deal official

afterwards lucifer sat on alastor's lap happy and smug as alastor had to deal with it, lucifer wanted to bug him a little more so he laid his head on alastor's shoulder being very close to his neck, wrapping his legs around the other's waist and doing the same with his arms around and under his shoulders

he smiled a smug one while he notices alastor's reaction was absolute disgust but being unable to do anything about it

days later after the deal was made alastor's mother gave him a call sounding much more happy and energetic, she was ranting to him about how she was gaining the strength to get up by herself without falling, alastor was happy for her seeing lucifer had actually gone by his end of the deal

he talked to her for about an hour before she had to go to shower because now she had the strength to do so and she thought she stunk badly she wondered how alastor was able to put up with it

after he'd hung up the phone lucifer was lingering around the corner waiting for him to get off the phone

L: "ready for your end of the deal? you know it's been days since we've talked"

A: "not that I'm excited for it or anything but lets just get this over with"

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