Chapter Five

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A: "I want you to give my mother more time, at least another year"

L: "more time for what? she holding a bomb or somethin'?"

A: "i will literally strangle you- no, more time to live because she's dying and i want her to live a happier life before she meets her end"

L: "and if i give her more time? does that mean i can crash here rent free?"

A: "you can have whatever you want, even my soul, isn't that what making a deal with the devil is mostly about?"

L: "come now, I'd only ever take your soul if you summoned me through a pentagram or the usual type of crap you humans have going on-"

A: "I don't care, whatever you want its yours, we have a deal?"

he held his hand out with an irritated smile, Lucifer grinned and reached to meet his hand shaking it and making the deal official

L&A: "it's a deal."

A: "how much time did you give her? tell me exactly"

L: "eh, most i could give her was abouttt...uhhh..i dunno maybe 6 more months? your mother is ___ ____ right?"

A: "yes, that's correct"

L: "lovely so i didn't give it to the wrong person"

A: "you're saying that like it's happened before-"

L: "eh you know even the devil makes mistakes sometimes but hey..i still go by my end of the bargain in the end"

Lucifer opens all six of his wings and flies over to alastor like a breeze in the wind, gently touching his face with the tips of his fingers

L: "you know, I've had a question for quite a while now, and while you were gone i took a look through all of your photos, why did you choose me as a victim that night huh? was i so tempting that you decided to try and take me out of this world?"

A: "oh quiet don't try to flatter yourself, i only hated your face so much i wanted to take it out with my very hands"

L: "well now i am flattered, I'm glad i invoked such a strong emotion in you"

A: "you are disgusting, get your hands off of me-"

L: "tell me." he cut the man off, his tone sounding more demonic then the last as he brought his face close to alastor's ear his hands now slowly wrapping around his neck

L: "do you love the feeling when a human life is taken by your very hands? does it bring you joy?"

Alastor was taken off guard by this action, he almost could feel himself getting nervous with such a demonic voice at his ear which brought back a childish rush he'd have whenever he was much younger

A: "of course it does."

he speaks out without hesitation

A: "the feeling of a life that once spoke against me, fading away from my very actions is like true bliss for me"

he smiles sadistically, which he was not gonna lie, something he hadn't expected to hear such a bold soul more less a mortal soul

lucifer grins and takes alastor's hands putting them to his throat

L: "well, i can fake it if that's what turns you on most"

A: "and what fun would that be?"

however alastor quickly flips their positions lucifer now being pinned against the wall as alastor put pressure on his neck which caused lucifer to choke on his saliva putting his hands on the taller male's chest as he struggled beneath him

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