Chapter Eleven

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It was time to hunting for some new venison..

alastor stood up though carefully as to not wake lucifer, as he grabbed his coat and the key to get his shot gun since he knew how dangerous it would be to keep it out in the open and only a fool would leave it out in an empty house

he quickly wrote a note saying that he'd be back in the morning if his hunting was successful before putting the pen back down and heading out the door with his hat on his head as to not get easily identified if anyone caught him

he headed to the forest or other known as the woods nearby though it was a far distance that he'd have to travel but he did eventually get to his destination

alastor thought how tired his legs were from walking so far (yes he walked he doesn't believe in using cars unless to get to his mother)

he rested his legs and mind a while in the dark yes but he was comforted by being alone and yes he had packed his hunting equipment so he was definitely calm and collected by this point

A: *sighhh* "alright I'm all rested, lets get to work, the venison won't hunt itself"

he stood back up grabbing his flashlight to lead him in the dark while he held his shotgun to his view as he finally found the perfect victim for his next meal

small but very meaty

a baby deer without its mother, seems like it was left alone or maybe a predator had forced it's mother into abandoning the little deer but oh well it was his dinner now

he cocked his gun and aimed at the deer before hearing a howl in the near distance and...another gun..?

he put his gun down to look around but the very second he looked to the side he felt a sharp pain at the middle of his forehead and a loud BOOM followed by an almost invisible force throwing him as he fell on his back

he was still conscious but his vision was slowly declining when he finally heard footsteps come closer to him he could hear a loud gasp at the realization it was a human and not the usual deer

the unknown person walked away as it was only the beginning of his troubles and trauma

he opened his mouth to speak now that the unknown body was gone

A: "mom.. I'm sorry i wasn't the son..*cough* that you wanted..I'm probably going to some place that isn't heaven for all of my *COU--H* crimes..and I'm sorry for dying so pathetically..."

his voice went quiet as the last of his vision went almost dark, but before he could close his eyes he heard multiple footsteps come closer to his body, yet unfortunately for him none of them were human instead...

it was a pack of wolves ready to feast on his dying body

he felt the sniffs and licks of the wolves which would've been comforting if he wasn't literally dying he could feel the sniffs turning into genuine bites even one on his eye as they feasted and ate him almody alive

it wasn't until his right arm and left foot, then his eye and half of his neck was gone that he truly died and lost his consciousness though he'd already lost his consciousness far before that even happened he was still alive and feeling everything

he would scream but that just wasn't his style, he wouldn't beg or cry for the wolves to stop because then he'd be as pathetic as his victims, and besides half of his neck was gone anyways so it's not like he could

morning came and nothing but an eaten disfigured corpse was left of his once was alive body

he woke up and seemed to be in a red domain with tons of others around, which confirmed his suspicions of going somewhere that was indeed not heaven

meanwhile when lucifer was finally awake and he'd read the note by now, he wondered why alastor was taking so long to do hunting anyways but decided that he'd just clean up for now since the night before he'd made quite a mess hoping around on alastor...

the memories flooded his mind and he blushed, but shook it off as he ate the food he'd made, boredom overwhelmed him while sitting in an empty house and his head on the table while his tiny legs swung off the chair

he groaned and gently clawed his face wondering where alastor was, he looked at the calendar and saw that it was a work day so maybe he was at work and forgot to drop in from being in such a rush

but....oh boy...was he wrong..

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