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100 PAGES IS HE FUCKING INSANE!? That's a writers worse nightmare!

Your Biggest Fan: It's for my mental health. I am unwell.

Mental health your ass!

Your Biggest Fan; I know this might come as a shock to you since I seem like such a mysterious and handsome gentleman nut I am actually a bit unstable.

Y/N: Yes, I am so shocked.

Your Biggest Fan: Phahahaha...hah...

It's not fucking funny.

Your Biggest Fan: I need this story. This story will make or break me. It will save me or it will destroy me. The only thing keeping me away from snapping completely is your writing. So i need you to try your hardest. Okay? I..m-mean.... you wouldn't want to send me over the edge... * huff*... right?

Do you really want to write 100 pages that's impossible he's holding that fucking axe again. You had to do this in your terms the best you can offer is 10 pages max.

Y/N: Let's settle on...10 pages?

Your Biggest Fan: 10 pages isn't enough. I need at least 100, but ideally 10000. But you can start with 100 for now because I'm a gentleman! I need it. I need to live. I need to live inside your story for as long as possible. Please. It's only 100 pages, is that really too much to ask for?

For the record you been doing so many favors for this man and still he isn't satisfied!? You were getting tired and was against writing 100 pages even writers or people who attend to write need there breaks.

Y/N: Yes it's alot for me....

Your Biggest Fan: But 10 pages is just a few minutes of reading. You can't keep me from going insane with just a few mintues of your stories. 100 pages please? 100 pages MINIMUM! Please. I need it. I know I'm being pushy but I really really really really really need it. You've deprived me of your stories for stories for so long... AND I'M NOT BITTER ABOUT IT AT ALL. I SWEAR PHAHAHAHAHA! but I'm so close to the edge...please. fiz me Superstar. Fix me with your stories. You can fix me. right? It's not over for me, right? I like your stories ALMOST fixed me... And... and I'm sure they would have... if only you d-didnt st...st-stop... w-writing. PLEASE!

You didn't have a choice to stop writing due to your apartment being cleaned out and your in serious debt they cut off your internet and phone which was a huge struggle. The reason you were able to get your internet back is because they give you seven days to pay back the amount you owe. But what were you going to write that suits 100 pages it just didn't work out for you. You had to be blunt and tell him how it's impossible to write.

Y/N: I can't... I've never written that much before. And in one setting? I can't maybe if you can wait for-


Your Biggest Fan: YOU HAVE TO!

The man dresser in heavy black gym gear and in red grabs you by the collar violently he snapped as you gasps in terror trying to breath.

Your Biggest Fan: You don't get to give me hope, make me believe you can save me, make believe you can FIX me... only to disappear at the last moment. IT'S NOT FAIR

Y/N: AHHHHHHH!!!! LET ME GO!!!! LET ME GO!!! HEEEELLLLP! ( Coughs from his tight grip)

You tried to pinch and scratch at him in a panic, but he easily counters you. Even when you do hit him it doesn't seem to bother him at all. You felt your salvia drip from your mouth as his finger rub part of your lip while he threatens you more demanding you to write.

Your Biggest Fan: Your writing means mote to me than my life. But even so, I think I've been a but too polite to you so far. Your my Superstar. My reason for living. No doubt about that.

~For You~( Monster Mediator Nauseaxe_404 X Reader) SmutWhere stories live. Discover now