Feel Alive [babexcharlie] Part 7

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Days went by, a week went by, a month passed, but nothing changed. Babe didn't interfere in Charlie's affairs, and Charlie stayed the same. The new Chief Operating Officer (COO) just joined after a month off.

Aniya: "Charlie, are you fine? Should I tell the boss about the COO thing?"

Charlie: [Smiled] "I'm fine."

Aniya: "Are you sure? You don't look fine."

Charlie: "I look like this every day."

The COO's name is Gerald.

Gerald: "Charlie, you're also here? I thought you would have quit by now. Even after that much, you want to work?" [Whispering] "One is not enough for you. Should I tell some friends to join us?"

Charlie froze.

Suddenly, Babe entered.

He backed off and fixed his posture.

Charlie: "Sir, I wanted to discuss some ad structures with you."

Babe: "Do that with Sir Gerald, please. I've got no time."

he left without giving Charlie a chance to speak further.

Gerald's lips curled into a sinister smirk as he leaned in towards Charlie. "Come to my office," he whispered, his voice laced with an unsettling tone. "Let's discuss it."

Charlie felt a shiver run down his spine, his instincts urging him to retreat. For a brief moment, he hesitated, his mind swirling with unease. But with a deep breath, he steadied himself and began pacing back and forth, weighing his options.

In the end, with a sense of trepidation gnawing at him, Charlie made his way to Gerald's office. The air crackled with tension as he stepped inside, bracing himself for whatever awaited him in the shadows of the COO's domain.

Suddenly, Gerald gestured for Charlie to sit. Then, with a chilling smile, he added, "Or, if you prefer, you can sit on my lap. It might make things easier." His eyes gleamed with a sinister glint.

Charlie's heart skipped a beat, his discomfort palpable. With a forced smile, he declined, "No, thank you," before quickly taking a seat nearby, eager to distance himself from Gerald's unsettling proposition.

Suddenly, Gerald moved his chair closer to Charlie, invading his personal space until his breath felt suffocating. Charlie squirmed uncomfortably as Gerald's hand landed on his thigh, sending a chill down his spine. He attempted to brush it away, but Gerald's words froze him in place.

"If you don't want me to give you a break from work," Gerald whispered, his voice dripping with menace, "you need that paycheck to sustain your life, don't you?"

Charlie's pulse raced as he realized the gravity of the situation. Trapped between fear and necessity, he clenched his jaw, his mind racing for a way out of Gerald's sinister grasp.

Suddenly, Babe entered the room, causing Gerald to back off abruptly, his demeanor shifting as he addressed Charlie.

Babe: "How's everything going, Gerald?"

Gerald: "It's a little slow, but Charlie's handling it perfectly," he replied, his gaze lingering on Charlie with a creepy intensity.

Babe: "I see. So, I can leave you two, and you can handle this, right, Charlie?"

When Babe looked at Charlie, he nodded in agreement, but his eyes betrayed a plea for Babe to stay. As Babe began to leave, Charlie clenched his hand, a sense of desperation creeping over him.

Charlie: "Sir, don't you need to—"

Babe: "Wait, I need to take this call. Charlie, we'll talk later," Babe interrupted, before swiftly exiting the room.

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