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"When you can't make a decision, flip a coin. Not because of the side it lands on, but for the brief moment when it is in the air, you know which side you're hoping for."


Red. Karma often associated with the color of blood, trickling from a person's nose as they try to fight back. A scuffed hand running through his crimson hair as he wipes the vermillion blood off the corner of his lips.

On the other hand, the color red could mean something completely different. The scorching hot colors of love, the relentless beating of a heart, and the dreamy expression painted across your face as the air seemed laced with the sweet smell of strawberries.

Hold on. Strawberries? That was a new one.

You had just transferred from Class-A to Class-E, which seemed unreasonable since dropping from Class-A to Class-B made more sense. However, the principal seemed to hold a grudge against you. Waste of a handsome face.

You typically spent all of class time talking to Asano Gakushuu, which must be why the principal had something against you. Once he caught you eating in class for the ninth time, you were kicked out of Class-A. They sure seemed to have a healthy father-son relationship.

Noticing the strong smell of strawberries, you swiveled your head around, turning to see a flash of scarlet hair. A tall boy with messy red hair and an unbuttoned dress shirt met your eyes as he held up a carton of strawberry milk. 

'He must be the other transfer student......' you thought to yourself, covering your agape lips with your hands as you stared in shock. 

Your eyes trailed from his red hair to his piercing gaze before coming to a realization. He was hot.

The boy merely raised an eyebrow before turning away and walking towards your new octopus teacher.

From the tree you were hiding behind, you tried to listen in to their conversation, but their voices were mostly muffled. That is, until Korosensei yelped in shock, one of his tentacles seemingly disintegrated as the boy from earlier began to ambush Korosensei's startled state.

You could hear rustling behind you before a girl popped out of the bush.

"Need any help stalking?" a voice from behind you giggled. Looking behind you, a blonde-haired girl with mischievous blue eyes was watching the scene unfold from behind you. "Hey, my name's Nakamura Rio. The number one supporter of Nagisa's crossdressing!" she snickered silently. 

You're the new transfer student, right? I heard there are two!" Rio mentioned.

"Is he the other one?" you asked, pointing towards the red-headed boy.

"Pretty sure. He looks sped though."

"Isn't he handsome?" you grinned, "My name's L/N Y/N."

"Hm, I heard he's a psychopath or something. He got suspended for getting into too many fights," Rio responded, narrowing her eyes at the sight of the two sparring.

"It's okay. I like them crazy," you coughed.

Rio raised an eyebrow in amusement, excited for the new drama. Well, as new as it could get considering she had an octopus for a teacher.

"By the way, his name's Akabane Karma. Go hit on him!" Rio held out a thumbs up.

The red-headed boy leaned into Korosensei, smirking as he whispered a few words into your teacher's ear.

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