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As Terasaka briefly pulled the trigger, the dam holding the water back shattered, causing you and your classmates to be pulled away by the waves.

Water engulfed your body. The frigid, ice-cold lake sent shivers across your skin as your vision blurred. It made your eyes sting.

You tried to swim upwards, gasping in breaths of air when the chance came. You weren't sure what had happened, but you assumed it was the aftermath of Terasaka's assassination attempt. Water began filling your lungs before a tentacle pulled you ashore.

Your classmates had also been saved by Korosensei. They gathered around the edge of the cliff, wondering what had happened.

Your lungs were burning, causing you to cough before someone grabbed your arm. Your ears were ringing and your vision blurring, but you could see a flash of red hair beside you. As your eyesight cleared, you were able to make out Karma's face. Well, multiple blurry images of his face. He looked at you, unsure of what to say.

 You rubbed your eyes, your vision hazy. "Whoa...so many Karmas? Am I in heaven?"

Karma rolled his eyes and released your arm from his grasp. "If I push you off the cliff right now, you will be."

"I know, I know. I was joking."

"You look......drenched," he pointed out.

"Gee, thanks, Captain Obvious," you groaned. "Now my hair's all wet from the lake."

Karma grinned, sticking his tongue out. "Good thing I didn't go in there."

"You're lucky I find you cute and not annoying."

You watched the rest of your classmates gather around the edge of the cliff, noticing that Terasaka's cheek was swollen. "Did you get punched or something?" you asked, pointing towards his injury.

"Don't talk to me," the guy glared, shoving his hands in his pockets and watching the scene unfold. "Korosensei's tentacles are already affected by the chemical that I dumped into the water yesterday. He's got no chance against Itona."

"Don't tell me they roped you into this!" Isogai exclaimed in disbelief. Terasaka huffed, explaining the supposed plan that would lure your teacher into the water and allow Itona to deal the final blow.

"That's right. Shortsighted guys like me are doomed to be played," Terasaka sneered, looking towards Isogai. "But I can choose who pulls my strings. So, Karma....why don't you try controlling me?"

"Whatever you want, but are you sure you can handle one of my plans?" Karma smirked, beginning to unbutton Terasaka's shirt.

"This is so gay," you commented, crossing your arms.

"You're just jealous of Terasaka," Karma replied.

"Get back to the point already!" Terasaka complained, furrowing his eyebrows.

Terasaka jumped off the cliff and began putting Karma's plan in action. Itona ended up falling for it, touching the shirt which was imbued with Terasaka's bug spray. The white-haired boy sneezed once, then twice, before their plan began to derail.

The man cloud in white, who supposedly went by Shiro, slung Itona across his shoulder and walked away from the campus.

Sugino sighed a breath of relief. "Good thing we were able to get rid of them, huh?"

Korosensei grinned, squeezing the excess water out of his inflated head. "I certainly appreciate it."

As you watched Hara and Terasaka bicker loudly, you felt glad that things were back to normal. Karma was crouching on a boulder, away from the rest of your class who was playing in the water. An idea popped into your head.

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