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As Shubman settled into his seat on the midnight flight to Kolkata, his mind buzzed with a whirlwind of emotions. The hum of the plane's engines served as a backdrop to his turbulent thoughts, as he grappled with the weight of his actions from the previous day.

Shubman: *sighing* "Yeh maine kya kiya?"

Regret gnawed at him as he replayed the events of the night in his mind, his heart heavy with the realization of his own folly. He couldn't shake off the feeling of guilt that weighed on his conscience, knowing that he had let his short temper get the best of him.

Shubman: *reflectively* "I overreacted... I shouldn't have treated Sharmili like that. She didn't deserve it."

With each passing moment of the flight, Shubman's remorse deepened, his thoughts consumed by the image of Sharmili's tear-streaked face. He despised his own short-tempered nature, recognizing how it had clouded his judgment and led to unnecessary pain.

Shubman: *to himself* "I need to learn to control my temper... I can't keep hurting people like this."

As the plane soared through the night sky, Shubman made a silent vow to himself—to strive for patience and understanding, and to never let his temper or jealousy dictate his actions again.

── •✧• ──

On the other hand Despite Sharmili's vow to herself to not dwell on Shubman, his presence lingered in her mind like an unshakeable shadow. As the night wore on, she tossed and turned in her bed, unable to find solace in sleep.

Sharmili: *whispering to herself* "Why can't I stop thinking about him?"

Tears welled up in her eyes as she replayed their last conversation over and over in her mind, each word a painful reminder of the rift that had formed between them. She tried to push aside her feelings, to focus on anything other than the ache in her heart, but Shubman's image refused to fade from her thoughts.

Sharmili: *sighing heavily* "What have I done?"

The weight of her emotions bore down on her like a heavy burden, leaving her feeling overwhelmed and lost. She had vowed not to cry over him, not to let his accusations break her spirit, but the pain of his rejection cut deep.

Sharmili: *whispering* "I miss him..."

In the silence of the night, with tears streaming down her cheeks, Sharmili allowed herself to acknowledge the depth of her feelings. Despite the hurt and uncertainty, she couldn't deny the longing in her heart for the one she had lost. And as the first light of dawn began to peek through her window, she knew that she couldn't stay in the bed anymore

After freshening up, Sharmili felt the need to clear her mind, to escape the suffocating weight of her thoughts. Without a second thought, she grabbed the spare key to Sid's scooty and slipped out into the cool morning air.

── •✧• ──

As Shubman's car made its way through the bustling streets of Kolkata, his mind drifted between thoughts of his upcoming shoot and the lingering regret over his actions towards Sharmili. But his train of thought was abruptly interrupted as the car came to a sudden halt, the road ahead blocked by a group of people.

Shubman leaned forward, his curiosity piqued as he tried to catch a glimpse of what had caused the commotion. Amidst the chatter of the crowd, he caught snippets of conversation about an accident up ahead.

Shubman: *muttering to himself* "An accident?"

Determined to find out more, Shubman grabbed a mask and a pair of sunglasses from his bag, intent on avoiding unnecessary attention as he stepped out of the car. Ignoring the curious stares of the onlookers, he made his way towards the scene of the accident.

As he drew closer, the sight that greeted him made his blood run cold. A female lay motionless on the ground, their body surrounded by a pool of blood, a mangled scooty lying nearby.

Shubman's heart sank as he realized the severity of the situation. Without hesitation, he knelt down beside the injured person, his hands trembling as he checked for signs of life.

Shubman: *calling out to the crowd* "Someone call an ambulance!"

Shubman's heart raced as he reached for the phone lying nearby, his fingers trembling with urgency as he scrolled through the contacts in search of a family member to notify. But as he glanced at the screen, his breath caught in his throat.

Shubman: *eyes widening in disbelief* "My number?"

His mind reeled with confusion as he stared at the screen, his thoughts swirling with a sense of déjà vu. With trembling hands, he dialed the number saved as "Shub," his heart pounding in his chest as he waited for someone to answer.

But as the phone rang, a sinking feeling gnawed at Shubman's gut. And when a familiar ringtone echoed through the air, his blood ran cold. Slowly, he turned his gaze towards the person lying on the ground, his eyes widening in shock as he realized the truth.

Shubman: *voice barely a whisper* "No... it can't be..."

── •✧• ──

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