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With Sharmili cradled gently in his arms, Shubman rushed through the doors of the hospital, his heart pounding with urgency as he sought help for her. As they entered the brightly lit lobby, Shubman removed his mask, his features now easily recognizable to anyone who glanced in his direction. The receptionist's eyes widened with excitement at the sight of the famous cricketer.

Receptionist: *excitedly* "Oh my God, it's Shubman Gill ! Can I get a selfie with you?"

Shubman's heart sank as he realized the receptionist's priorities were misplaced in the urgency of the moment.

Shubman: *firmly* "Not now. My my... friend needs immediate medical attention."

His tone was sharp, cutting through the receptionist's excitement and bringing her back to the reality of the situation. With a nod of understanding, she quickly composed herself and led Shubman to the admissions desk.

Receptionist: *apologetic* "I'm sorry, sir. Please follow me."

Shubman wasted no time in providing Sharmili's details and explaining the urgency of the situation. He watched impatiently as the receptionist hurried to arrange for Sharmili's admission, his mind consumed with worry for her well-being.

Once Sharmili was wheeled away to the emergency room, Shubman settled into the uncomfortable plastic chairs of the waiting room, his thoughts consumed by the gravity of the situation. Amidst the chaos of the hospital, he prayed silently for Sharmili's swift recovery, knowing that her life hung in the balance.

Passersby paused in their tracks, their eyes lighting up with recognition at the sight of the famous cricketer.Some approached him tentatively, hoping for a chance to strike up a conversation or ask for an autograph. But Shubman remained oblivious to their attempts at interaction, his focus solely on getting Sharmili the help she needed.

── •✧• ──

As Shubman's thoughts were consumed by worry for Sharmili, the ring of her phone shattered his trance. With a furrowed brow, he glanced at the screen to see Sid's name flashing across it. Without hesitation, he answered the call.

Shubman: *picking up the call* "He..."

Before Shubman could even utter a greeting, Sid's frantic voice burst through the line, his concern palpable.

Sid: *anxiously* "Sharmili, where the heck are you? I've been trying to reach you since morning. You're not even answering my texts. Amar scooty niye shokal shokal kothaye gechish?!!" (Where have you gone so early in the morning taking my scooty with you)

Shubman's heart skipped a beat as he listened to Sid's frantic inquiries. He took a deep breath, knowing he needed to break the news gently.

Shubman: *calmly* "Sid, it's me, Shubman."

There was a brief pause on the other end of the line as Sid processed Shubman's unexpected response.

Sid: *surprised* "Shubman? What are you doing with Sharmili's phone?"

Shubman's voice was steady as he explained the situation to Sid, recounting the events that had led to Sharmili's accident and his subsequent rush to the hospital.

Shubman: *solemnly* "Sharmili has been in an accident. While I was going to my hotel I found her on the road and brought her to the hospital. She's receiving medical attention right now."

There was a stunned silence on the other end of the line as Sid absorbed the shocking news. Shubman waited patiently, knowing that the gravity of the situation would take time to sink in for Sid.

Sid: *finally speaking, his voice filled with concern* "Oh my God, is she okay? How bad is it?"

Shubman's heart went out to Sid, knowing how close he was to Sharmili. He could hear the worry and fear in Sid's voice, and he wished there was more he could do to reassure him.

Shubman: *reassuringly* "The doctors are doing everything they can. She's in good hands now."

And as Shubman continued to comfort Sid over the phone, he couldn't shake the gnawing sense of guilt that weighed heavily on his heart. If only he had acted sooner, perhaps he could have spared Sharmili from this ordeal. But for now, all he could do was wait and pray for her recovery

── •✧• ──

As Shubman paced the hospital corridor, his thoughts consumed by worry for Sharmili, he overheard a conversation nearby. It was Sharmili's parents and her sister, their faces etched with concern as they inquired at the reception about her whereabouts. Without a moment's hesitation, Shubman approached them.

Shubman: *approaching Sharmili's family* "Excuse me, are you Sharmili's family?"

Sharmili's Mother: *startled* "Yes, we are. Tum  Shubman Gill ho na? You informed my elder daughter about sharmili's accident"

Shubman's expression softened as he spoke, his voice filled with empathy.

Shubman: *gentle* " Yes I'm Shubman. I found Sharmili after she was in an accident. She's being treated by the doctors right now."

Sharmili's family exchanged surprised glances, their eyes widening with shock at the unexpected turn of events. They had no idea why Shubman, a celebrity, was so involved and concerned about daughter's life.

Sharmili's Father: *grateful* "Thank you for letting us know. We need to see her right away."

Shubman nodded in understanding, leading Sharmili's family towards the emergency room where she was being treated. As they walked, he explained the events that had led to Sharmili's accident, his words punctuated by the gravity of the situation.

Shubman: *solemnly* "She's being treated now. The doctors are doing everything they can for her."

Sharmili's family listened intently, their expressions shifting from shock to gratitude as they realized the extent of Shubman's concern for their daughter. In that moment, they couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards the celebrity who had shown such compassion in their time of need.

And as they glanced at their daughter through the glass door of emergency room to see Sharmili, Shubman remained by their side, his heart heavy with worry but filled with hope for her recovery.

── •✧• ──

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