Jyuu Yon

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It was an entire half day of you constantly moving. Guiding the ship through icey waters and ruff tides.

The coast came into view. Although hidden by a mound of snow, you could see it. The old docking bay, with a wave of your arms, you quickly turned the snow bank into water. Forming an opening to a frozen dock.

"Home.." You whispered, pulling into the docking bay.

As soon as the ship came to a stop. The barrier of snow reformed. Your eyes looked to the side. A group of waterbenders stood at the side. They worked in unison to reform the wall.

"Look! Y/N's back!"

"Y/N's back!"

A group of people gathered at the dock. You quickly pulled yourself from the boat. Being helped by a group of people.

"Y/N!" Your head looked to the pair of twins appearing from the crowd.

"Kuru, Kara!" You exclaimed, engulfing them in a hug.

"I thought I'd never see you again." You weeped, holding onto the pair.

"We were scared too that Scar-Man took you away forever." They cried, hugging you back.

"He's back, Yang. He's really back!" A voice yelled from the side.

"My son? Son!" You released the children, looking up to your father.

It was instant, the pair of you hugged one another tightly. Tears rolled down the pair of your faces as you held onto one another.

"Dad! I thought I wouldn't see you again." You muttered, holding on tightly to the man.

"I know, but you're here now. You're safe." You dad whispered, a slight whimper in his tone.

The only time you heard this noise was during your mother's funeral.

You stood there just outside the village. It was taboo for children to see their relatives that passed on. Yet here you were, a distance stretched away from the ceremony. Watching with such solace that you wept.

Your father and the other waterbenders prepared your mother's boat. Her last voyage into the deep sea. You gripped on tightly to her necklace as you wiped your eyes.

All you could remember at that time was the flames. Flames that consumed your tent. The bright and heated fires that took your mother's life. Your hands and legs ached at the memory of the flames. Burning at your hands and legs. You weeped and weeped, the powerful woman you knew was gone. Your mother was gone.

His white hair tied in top knot, scars lining his face. General Jeong Jeong...

"Are you ok, son? I hope Iroh was a gracious host." Your father questioned. Pouring a bowl of sea prunes for you.

"Yes, I'm fine. Iroh was really gracious. He got me through my time there on the ship." You answered, taking the bowl and beginning to eat.

Your father chuckled, crossing his arms and legs. He leaned back and stroked his goatee.

"Iroh has always been a kind man. I'm glad it was his ship that found us." Your father stated, pouring himself a cup of tea.

You nodded, feeling your heart ache.

"Yes, but Iroh wasn't the only kind one." You replied, finishing the bowl quickly.

Your father looked to you in concern.

"What do you mean?" He questioned.

"The prince.. Father, I." You muttered, struggling to provide a response .

Your father sat concern reflected in his eyes. He, in his mind, neatly synthesized your words. Properly interpreting your words.

"You mean you grew to care for the prince. More than you thought." He replied. You nodded, looking down.

Your father smiled, moving to sit next to you. He held onto your shoulder. Tapping your shoulder, you felt a vibration run through your body. Almost singing your memories to your father.

It was a unique ability your father developed. By accessing the spiritualness of waterbending. He gained access to understanding the flow of chi. This flow linked memories and past events.

He described it as having a river top view of a person's life. By focusing enough. He could peer and feel a person's memories.

His face eased into a frown.

His eyes looked to you with understanding.

"Dad, I really did feel like I liked him. But, he didn't reciprocate it." You explained, looking to your father.

The man sighed, holding onto you.

"As easy as it would be to say you were manipulated because you were his prisoner. There was an equal ground that was met." Your father explained, holding onto your chest.

"Your heart sang, and his likely did too. It was just that his pride dominated his heart. There was no way to stop that." Your father explained.

"Your love was matched. If only briefly but still." Your father stated.

"Never forget this, Y/N. It will hurt, but it is important to your growth as a person." Your father finished.

You wiped the tears from your eyes. Looking to your father, you pulled him into a tight hug.

"I missed you, dad." You muttered, tearing up.

Your father let out a light chuckle.

"I missed you too, son. More than you could ever know."


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