Brain Dead

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Clyde was trembling as he tried to get into the system to look into the history of the teleporter.

"Hurry up." Said the Alien with little horns and a orange sleeveless hoodie over his grey shirt, who Clyde hadn't heard the name yet.

"Fuck... I can't remember the password..."

"ARRHG" The alien with green eyes screamed at me. He pushed me away and punched the keyboard.

"I guess that does the trick"

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Bebe was walking around in circles, it had been 2 hours since Tweek and Kenny left. Wha5nif they were captured too? WHAT A DISASTER!

She took a deep breath and sat down at the main board, all she had to do was wait and she would get a message from them. She just had to wait.

✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩

At this point, it just looked like Clyde was messing with them or very stupid. It had been almost an hour and He couldn't find anything. 

Clyde himself was cold sweating, looking more at the gun on Tweek's hand than the screen in front of him, which probably made the job much harder than it should be.

As he was about to lose hope on the chance of getting out of this alive, he managed to find the ships coordinates.



Tweek pushed Clyde out of the way and looked at the info.

"Write this down, Kenny: 1920211694"

"Got it."

"GREAT! We're leaving now."

Still in a tease of panic, Clyde interfered:

"What am I supposed to tell my boss??"

"Tell them we're coming for them next." Kenny answered.

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As Tweek and Kenny returned to their own spaceship, they were greeted by the sight of Bebe waiting for them by the door.

"You didn't find him, did you?"

"No, but we got some stuff"


"What is it?"

"He was sent to a ship a some light years away. We got the coordinates."

"Good. We're leaving in ten."

✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩

When Stan woke up the room was so tense he could almost smell the stress in the air.

Wendy and Kyle were each sitting on opposite sides of room, without looking at each other. The shapeshifter was not prepared for so much right after waking up..

Sure, he might have woken up like, 1pm, but he couldn't help it. He tended to sleep a lot when stressed.

He wondered where his friends were at the moment, they surely realized he hadn't come back. Were they looking for him? Probably. He wondered how HE even got there, since everything was such a black blur, but he could ask Kyle about that later.

Talking about Kyle, he was a fairly interesting guy. He was clearly putting himself in the danger for him, the alien didn't quite get it, but it made him feel funny. Maybe he's just not used to people fighting for him, who knows?

Stan didn't understand people very well, neither their feelings.. neither his feelings..

He sighed, his head was a mess, he couldn't think straight cause he just woke up, and the rooms vibe was totally off.

Now that's a great way of starting the day.

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Hey guys! We just got n°1 spot in the style tag! I'm not not sure if my site is wrong or if we actually made it, but I'm freaking out!

Thx for reading! ;) <3

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