1. the end

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I owe nothing to this world yet it has taken everything and everyone I have ever loved.

I thought of every happy memory of mine and the misery that came with it as I stood on the wall of terrace of the tallest building in my city. This life has brought me nothing but misery. I hate it. Everything I have ever loved had been taken away from me in a matter of moments. Am I not worthy of love? Do I not deserve it? I looked at the sky.

" am I selfish? or are these people selfish? "

I looked down at the street it was not that busy. I hate this city. There is always rush here, even at the night 3 a.m. The car horn's noises. People Yelling. Parties and clubs. What even is the point of them?. Ruining your life and health. My mother always told me everyone loves you. You are special to someone, most importantly you are special to God. I am not. If i was he won't have taken everything away from me. If I was special he won't have left anything for me at all. instead he just took my happy moments and left me with misery. I don't like him. I bet he doesn't likes me either. otherwise he would have had mercy on me. But instead he gave me misery. The never ending misery.

I don't even know what to do at this point. If I end my life here no one would even care. I heard suicide is forbidden. They say you can't go to heaven if u end your own life, but this world is a hell itself. If not the world, the people are surely devils.

You know what they say?

The hell is empty and all the devil's are here.

that's the only thing I agree with here.

My mind is a mess. My thoughts are moving in a circular pattern I don't know what I am doing. I want to live a better life. not this. I want to be happy. I want to be loved not miserable. I want this feeling to end.

A tear left my left eye and then another and before I knew I was crying. " I am sorry maybe you will forgive me mom. I tried, but everything made it really hard for me. I don't have a single friend anymore. I don't have the love of my life yet. soulmate. maybe no one was made for me. maybe it was fate for me to end up like this. ruined. messed up. but it wasn't my choice to be messed up "

I took a step forward and I was going down. I closed my eyes. I am going. I am leaving. this is going to end.

My hands felt warm. My wrist felt warmer.
" she won't forgive you " I opened my eyes. There were two beautiful stars looking at me and I felt naked in their presence. He heard everything.

" I-I ended it! Let go of me. I am going to end it " Tears were rolling down my eyes

" I will help you. I promise. I will be there for you "

" OH COME ON! you won't, you don't even know me. " I yelled at him

" people don't help people because they know them. they help them because they can. we have emotions yaar we feel others and seeing you in misery physically hurted me. i don't even know you and it hurted me. I have to help you otherwise I will be the one in misery. I can be your friend and i bet you don't want your soulmate out there dying alone cause everyone has one " maybe he was right. maybe the one for whom I would be special is still out there. i mean I am just nineteen. its something else that I have felt the worse pain. maybe I can be special to someone.

" Please, don't let go " I cried

" I won't " he smiled


I hope it was worth it for all the people waiting to read it.

first, I would like to thank y'all for choosing my story I will try my best not to disappoint y'all.

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