Chapter Four

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The cold, sterile air and the fluorescent overhead lights added to my unease.

I had always hated the hospital environment and fidgeted with my hands out of nervous habit as I walked through the corridors.

Mr Driscoll had gotten into another drunken fight at the bar. It was not the first time—another day, another round of drinks, another explosion of anger.

I arrived at the room where the nurse said he was staying in and gave a quick knock before entering. He was lying in bed looking disheveled with his arm encased in a sling.

"Mr Driscoll," I whispered.

"About time you came," he slurred, clearly still under the influence of alcohol. "What took you so long?"

"I came as soon as I found out that-"

"Enough already!" He snapped. "You are not to talk about what happened again."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "W-why?"

"No one else needs to know, you understand? If people found out, they'd remove you from my care and back into the system you go."

I couldn't bear the thought of packing my bags and leaving yet another temporary home. I needed to be good, follow the rules, and hope it was enough.

"I-I understand," I muttered, looking down at the floor.

"Good," he grumbled. "Now go to the cafeteria and get me some damn food."

I immediately followed his instructions and started down one of the hallways, but I had no idea where I was going because the hospital was huge.

Every corridor looked the same, and it felt like I was going in circles. I opened a door hoping it would lead to the cafeteria but instead, it was an office with desks.

A woman came over with a frown. The badge she wore indicated that she was an intern. "What do you think you're doing here?" She snapped, her tone sharp.

"I-I'm sorry!" I mumbled, heat rising to my cheeks. "I thought this was the cafeteria."

"It's clearly not," she stated. "This area is off-limits to visitors so you shouldn't be here."

"I didn't mean to! I stumbled here by accident."

"Save your excuses. I'm going to call security and have you-"

"Leave her alone," a deep voice suddenly interrupted.

A tall man stepped in front of me protectively. The muscles on his broad shoulders flexed under his white coat.

When he turned his head to look at me, I realized that it was the same man at the café earlier.

I froze.



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