Chapter Six

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The usual hustle of the day gave way to a quieter, almost eerie atmosphere. 

As a general surgeon, I often saw critical cases where the patient's life hung in the balance and every move counted. 

I stood by the operating table, surrounded by my team. The bright overhead lights illuminated every corner of the room. 

"Vitals are stable," the anesthesiologist said. 

"Good, let's keep an eye on those vitals," I said. "Suction, please." 

"Suction ready," the nurse said. 

My gaze remained focused as my gloved hands moved steadily to cauterize the blood vessels. The monitors beeped rhythmically and there was the clink of instruments being passed. 

Minutes stretched into hours until the final stitch was secured and the surgery was completed. I removed my gloves and stepped out of the operating room through the sliding doors. 

The hallway felt oddly quiet after the intensity of the surgery as I made my way to the waiting area. The patient's family was there, anxiously awaiting news. They immediately stood up as I approached them. 

"Is my father alright?" The man asked. 

"Yes, the surgery went smoothly," I replied. "He is doing well." 

Relief flooded over them and I could sense the tension in the air dissipate. 

"We can't thank you enough doctor," the woman said with a heartfelt smile. 

Being able to deliver good news to families after a challenging surgery was one of the most rewarding aspects of my job. 

In this line of work, there are no guarantees and absolutely no promises of success. But we've won the battle again. 

I thought about the patients I saved today, and the young girl I helped at the cafeteria, and carried with me quiet satisfaction.

I am exhausted, but so fulfilled. 



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