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He's getting high on the sparkly duck butt air." "Bow down peasants Ooohhh I am a fancy scientist on a fancy scientist runway ooohhhh."

"It's like one big family reunion of death."

"If you throw an apple at anyone hard enough it will keep them away."

"You are not The Doctor, don't lick random things!"

"Stop flirting with the killer space automaton"

"I can fit six baby rats in my shirt sleeve"

"Threataning to hit people with shovels sadly didn't work"

"But then I'll rip my teeth out and sell them."



"It's for when girls/some intersex people are biologically stabbed by puberty."

"He ate the hamster."

"Ow! I sat on my demon baby!"

"It's like the radiance decided to be a dentist."

"Oh crepes."

"Did you know that Jesus Christ was a zombie."

"Hah! No one loves me and I'm still warm!"

"I will kill you with this butter knife! (...somehow...)"

"AHRAHGGHAARH *makes gagging noise* BLEAUGH"

"Ice cream and murder."

*in a weird voice* Thats thuh lasht dandylion of thuh seshon. *eats it.*

"The dead bee looks actually edible...."

"Potato hat!"

"We used dead bees to impregnate a flower."


"The clouds are dandruff!"

"The dead bee is gay."

"I nuked grandpa."

"Hard rock headbanging clarinet."


"I was having an important discussion about sandwiches."

"The bee is trans!"

"You have the perverted carnival, you have the acid death carnival and I have the not funny magician carnival, I win."

"The bee's head fell off."

"If you die Plant Anthony Janthony Crowley...!"

"Stop puniching the plant with the dead bee."

Person A:When telling someone to give you a second what hand gesture do you use?"

Person B: I usally hold up my pointer finger.

Person C: I just hold oit my hold hand in a stop motion.

Person D(closeted bi-umbrella): Finger guns. Finger guns for everything."

"Person A: FAAAKKK!!!!

Person B: It's not really a fun game until there is cussing and yelling."

"There is cake in my nose, I just inhaled cake but upside down and backwards."

WHY SHOULD I BE DOING TAXES!? - A child, having to do taxes for a middle school assignment

Yoth mamath

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