I'll update this part later.

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You look like an angry Chinchilla

A:And now they are shooting arrows at us. 

B: They are flaming arrows.

A:OH! Now they're shooting FLAMING arrows at us!!!!!

Mistake were made, but no regrets and the mistakes will probably be made again. *a bit later* Owwww okay some regrets, actally no, nevermind no regrets.

You stupid rotten meat that I ate! 

Oh wait it was the chicken, and I don't even have any Firefly to watch. 

A:I think I would wear a bowtie or something, bowties are cool. 

B: I don't think I could see you in a bowtie, I mean bowties aren't  that co-

A: Hey bowties are cool!

C:Yes, they are!

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