Chapter 1

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Only when the rain penetrated through his clothes and he was completely soaked, he noticed that it was raining. But he couldn't care less. He sat at his mother's grave and would have liked to lie down with her in the grave if the cemetery gardeners hadn't already shoveled the grave.

The tears ran down his cheeks without him even noticing. He had lost everything. His family. His best friend. His apartment. Simply everything.

Finally, he stood up. Not that the rain would have bothered him, but it was slowly getting dark and cold.

Without having anywhere to go, he went off. The only thing he knew was that he had to go back to work tomorrow. Otherwise he would also lose his job too. That wouldn't be a real loss, but he needed the money.

The streets were empty, most people were at home now. And if someone walked past him, then crouched or with an umbrella close above their heads without having an eye for the surroundings.

Desperate, he let himself sink to the ground and leaned against the brick wall behind him. He just didn't know where to go. Actually, he needed a place to sleep, but he had no one to go to.

The last few weeks he had slept at his best friends. But after his "best friend" had tried to rape him last night, he would rather sleep on the street then go back to him.


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