Chapter 7

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"Should we take you with us?" Hyunjin asked with a smile and pulled Jisung into his arm.

"Babe, how much did you drink?" Felix asked with a grin and tried to pull Hyunjin away from Jisung, but he held on to the younger tightly.

"Leave me, he's my fluffy squirrel!" he complained and ruffled through Jisung's hair.

"Yeah, it would be very nice if you could take me with you. And to answer your question, he drank a lot. Minho instigated him," Jisung said laughing and pulled Hyunjin with him, who still didn't want to let him go.

"Jinnie, can't you cuddle with your boyfriend?"

But again the eldest shook his head and so the two landed in the back seat while Felix was driving.

"To Jinnie's old apartment please," Jisung said with a grin while trying to stop Hyunjin from biting him.

"I assume you will explain this to me at some point?" Felix also asked with a grin and tried to concentrate on the street.


Felix shook his head and drove the way he had driven so many times that he could almost drive it in his sleep.

"OH MY GOD I DON'T HAVE A KEY!" Jisung screamed at the moment when Felix had just stopped at a red light.

Hyunjin startled. He had fallen asleep in Jisung's arms and now tried to turn around, which of course did not work on the narrow car seat and with the seat belt on.

"You can take mine," Hyunjin grumbled, rummaged around to find his key, but gave up and finally closed his eyes again.

"Sleep, handsome," Jisung said affectionately and stroked through Hyunjin's hair.

"Do you know if Changbin is at home?" Felix asked and yawned.

"No.. and I don't have his number either..." he leaned his head against the window and looked outside for a moment.

Seoul was not completely dark even at night. The lights flew past him and even though he was tired, he realized once again how beautiful he found the city.

"Babe, do you still have Binnie's number?" Felix asked quietly.

"He's sleeping. I'll take a look."

Jisung fished Hyunjin's phone out of his pocket and searched his contacts until he had actually found Changbin.

"What do you want from him?" Jisung asked.

"Ask him if we can maybe also sleep in the apartment. I'm incredibly tired and don't feel like driving home anymore," Felix said and yawned again.

"Hmm it's already relatively late and when he's home I don't want to wake him up... I'll just text him. If he is still awake, he will certainly read the message."

Felix shrugged his shoulders and shortly afterwards he parked in front of Changbin's apartment.

"Babe, what do you think, would it bother Binnie if we slept here too?" he asked his boyfriend, who had just woken up again.

"No why would it? It was my apartment until two weeks ago," Hyunjin said yawning and let Jisung help him out of the car.

And so they finally ended up together in the bed that was Hyunjins not so long ago. The oldest had agreed to lie in the middle after he had clarified that no one would sleep on the floor. And since Felix and Jisung were too tired to discuss with him, they just gave in and squeezed themselves into bed together.

Which was not necessarily super tight with the 2x2 meter bed. And it was far from the first night they spent together, even if they had never actually all slept together in one bed.

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