Chapter 13

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When Jisung woke up, he lay pressed close to Chan and couldn't help but smile happily. He was exactly where he belonged.

He still felt as safe in Chan's arms as he did the first night and was relieved to find that it hadn't changed.

That the two weeks they had spent apart had only proven that they really liked each other and it wasn't only the first amorous moment.

He gently drew circles on Chan's arm, who then only pulled him closer.

"Good morning, baby," Chan muttered and pressed a kiss on Jisung's neck.

"Good morning, Channie," Jisung whispered and turned around in Chan's arms so that he could see him.

The older one looked incredibly cute, so sleepily and with rumpled hair.

After hesitating a little, he bent over and kissed Chan gently.

"I could get used to that," Chan murmured and kissed Jisung again.

"Me too," Jisung said, smiling.

They remain snuggled close to each other for a while until Jisung's stomach growled so loudly that Chan couldn't ignore it.

"Come on, let's get dressed and go have breakfast," Chan said yawning and sat up.

"Do we want to ask Lix and Hyunjin if they want to come along?" Jisung asked and cuddled up to Chan again, who was about to get up.

"Only if he won't bite your ear again, the little bastard," Chan said with a grin and kissed Jisung.

Jisung fished happily smiling for his phone, for which he had to lean over Chan, who shamelessly took advantage of the moment and put his hand on Jisung's butt.

Jisung grinned for a moment until he saw the missed calls and messages on his phone.

»Jisung, where are you?«

»Is everything okay? Do I have to worry?«

»Are you coming home tonight? Has Chan landed yet?«

After that, he had several missed calls.

»I hope everything is okay... please text me.. 🥺«

After that, Changbin had probably given up.

"Fuck," Jisung muttered and when he noticed Chan's worried look, he showed him Changbin's messages. "I think we have to go to Binnie first."

Sighing, Chan stood up and got dressed, while Jisung still looked worried and thoughtfully at his phone.

"What's going on, babe?" Chan asked worried, went back to bed and pulled the younger in his arms.

"I should have texted him... he was certainly very worried," he said and bit his lower lip sadly.

"Come, we'll go to him and ask him if he wants to have breakfast with us," Chan said with a loving smile and pulled the younger one off the bed.


Shortly afterwards, they had arrived at Changbin's apartment and Jisung unlocked the door. Changbin, who apparently just wanted to go into the kitchen, froze and stared at them furiously.

He looked incredibly tired, in a bad mood and somehow kinda sad.

"Are you KIDDING ME?!" he shouted and slowly approached the two.

"Binnie I'm so sorry... I... I... I wanted to text you, but I just forgot... I was so tired after work..." Jisung whispered and Chan saw tears gather in his eyes.

"Tired... that's what it's called... and I was just your parking slot until Chan came back or what?!" shouted Changbin and looked incredibly angry.

"It's not like that at all..." Jisung whispered and now the tears ran down his face.

"Yeah sure. YOU TOOK ADVANTAGE OF ME!" he screamed and sparkled angrily at Jisung. "And you... YOU are a terrible best friend! INSTEAD OF TEXTING ME, YOU'D ONLY TEXT YOUR BEDBUNNY!" he screamed and pushed his finger into Chan's chest.

Jisung turned around and ran away. He managed to jump into the elevator just before the doors closed, glad that no one was in it.

"Honestly, FUCK YOU, BINNIE! You are such an asshole!" Chan growled, pushed Changbin away and followed Jisung.

Worried, he found that the younger was gone.

"Fuck," he cursed and pressed the button of the elevator several times, as if it would come faster then.


When Jisung ran onto the street, it just started raining.

If he wouldn't have been one a verge of a breakdown, he could certainly have laughed about it. But it felt like his life was destroyed again.

Was destroyed again within a very short time.

He didn't understand why Changbin treated him like that. Didn't understand why he was so angry with him.

The tears ran down his cheeks and he felt terrible. Had the feeling that he had to throw up and almost fell down.

His legs ran as if by themselves, without really having somewhere to go.

The rain poured down on him, soaked his clothes and finally ran down his skin.

He trembled all over his body, but he didn't even notice it. The thoughts in his head were a single mess.

He didn't want to stand between Chan and Changbin. He hadn't planned to fall in love with Chan and even less had he expected that the elder would return his feelings.

Even less he had wanted to hurt Changbin, although he didn't know what exactly he had done to upset Changbin so much.

He didn't even notice that his phone started to vibrate.

Only when he stumbled and fell down, he finally looked around. Surprised, he found that he was at the place where Chan had found him.

He took a deep breath and guided his steps to the cemetery. Shortly afterwards, he stood in front of his mother's grave and couldn't hold back his sobs anymore.

He would have done everything to be able to talk to her again. To be able to ask her for her advice and not to feel so damn lonely anymore.

He would love to be taken in her arms and feel a little less horrible.

"Mom... I miss you," he sobbed and it felt once again as if it was tearing his heart apart. "I miss you so much!"

He sank to his knees and buried his face in his hands.

The thunder roared above him and lightning flashed across the sky, but he didn't even notice it.

He didn't even noticed that the rain became even heavier.

His eyes burned and his heart hurt incredibly. He felt so empty and lonely. Somehow even more alone than two weeks earlier.

His lips were now blue and he trembled all over his body. He had the feeling that his chest was tied together and that he wouldn't longer be able to breathe.

Stars danced in front of his eyes and he was about to faint, but he didn't notice any of it.

Shortly before he actually fainted, he felt someone put a hand on his shoulder. But before he could turn around, it turned black in front of his eyes and he collapsed on the soaked ground.


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