Chapter 11

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The next day went by pretty quickly. Hyunjin and Jisung had asked their boss to be allowed to postpone their days off, which suited him quite well.

So they spent nearly all the day working, so as not to just sit and wait until Chan and Felix would come back from Australia.

They had even voluntarily taken over some longer shifts, which led to the fact that they would see Changbin quite rarely.

The oldest was quite unhappy about it, but tried not to let it be noticed. The two couldn't help that he was lonely and jealous.

After they had spent the night together, Changbin had decided to move back to his own bed, even if it only made him feel even more lonely.

But he also didn't want to hear how Jisung talked about having a crush on Chan and how Hyunjin encouraged him in it.

So he spent most of his time in the studio himself and fell asleep on the sofa, which unfortunately also smelled like Chan.

Hyunjin and Jisung had just returned home from a long shift and were both quite drunk. Minho had taken it on himself to drive them home, as neither of them was able to do so anymore.

After brushing their teeth, they went into Jisung's room and took off their tight, uncomfortable work clothes.

Jisung let himself fall on the bed sighing, while Hyunjin was still struggling with his pants.

"Oh my God! Stay just like that and give me your phone!" Hyunjin blurted out, grabbed the younger's phone and took several photos of him before he could even react.

"What are you doing?!" Jisung asked and sounded quite annoyed.

"Look at the pictures! Now you have some that you can send to Chan," Hyunjin said with a grin and let himself fall on the bed next to Jisung.

"Wow... you're right. They are incredibly good..."

"We should still make some where you are lying on your back."

For a moment, Jisung felt too insecure to comply with the suggestion. But after looking at the pictures again, he finally agreed.

The pictures Hyunjin took were amazing and the alcohol in him made him feel sexy and desirable.

He handed his phone to Hyunjin and then followed the instructions of the older. He had precise ideas about how Jisung should lie down and how he should place his hands and to his delight Jisung followed the instructions without hesitation.

"We could also make some without clothes," he said with a grin and had to laugh when he saw the shocked expression on Jisung's face. "You look hot, little one. And you would definitely drive him crazy with it."

"I don't know if it's such a good idea... I don't have such a great body...," Jisung murmured uncertainly and sat up.

"We don't have to. It was just a suggestion," Hyunjin said yawning and took off his shirt.

Grinning, Jisung grabbed his phone, which Hyunjin had thrown on the bed, and now photographed the older.

"Now you can also send Felix some."

"Okay, I'll send Felix the pictures you took if I can take some of you in the shower," said Hyunjin and his eyes sparkled so much that Jisung finally took a deep breath and agreed.

"But these won't be obscene pictures!" he said and reluctantly followed Hyunjin into the bathroom.

"We don't want to shoot porn... we just want to take some aesthetic pictures!" said Hyunjin and snorted indignantly. "It doesn't matter. Go in the shower, wet the glass and take off the boxer shorts."

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