.~meet and greet~.

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Lucifer glared at Adam, but he couldn't help but feel relieved to see him.. Like he was yearning to see his face again. Considering the last time he saw it, it was beaten up. He felt butterflies when he noticed Adam looking him up and down.

"What is he doing here?" He walked towards Charlie, crossing his arms as he did so. He says that in a cold tone, trying to not let the people around him notice he's actually happy. While he was walking towards Charlie,  Adam was just staring at one spot in particular.

Luci's pov

I can't believe that arrogant, cocky bitch is at my daughters hotel. It's only been a couple days since I arrived to help out at the hotel and things are already going bad, just because he's here. I hated him in Eden. I hated him in heaven. I hate him now. Nothing will ever change that.

After we met again at the hotel, I was the very unlucky fella to have the duty to tend to his wounds from falling. Why can't he do it himself, he's definitely capable of it. One thing he's also capable of is being annoying as fuck! I'm trying to help him with his wounds and he's telling me to fuck off! Bitch, I'm trying to help you!

Other than that, my stay here has been wonderful. I also don't like Alastor. He's a dickhead too.

At the moment, I'm in Adam's room, trying to heal him. But he's being his usual stubborn self.

"Just let me touch your fucking wing so I can heal it!"

I'm trying to get him to let me touch his wing, but it's obviously not working. God I hate this man.

"No! Fuck off! I don't want your sinner's hands touching me!"

Did I seriously just hear him say that? You would hate it too if you were in my position. But if I'm being honest... He kinda looks hot.. WAIT WHAT AM I THINKING?! I SHOULDN'T BE FEELING LIKE THIS!

I shake my head to try and get those feelings away but they still remain, but as he continued shouting at me they slowly went away.

I grabbed his arms and pinned him down to stop him moving, it worked. Maybe a bit too well though because he seemed to have shut up too.

"Are you going to stop telling me to fuck off and let me do my shit now?"


I fucking did it. His face was slightly red, but I could care less right now. I got him to give in to me and now it's nice and quiet.

I started to put some cream and serum onto his wings to help soothe the pain and make them fluffier, because who doesn't want fluffy wings. They were twitching slightly, probably from the pain. I continued to bandage him up and I finally finished.

"There you go. Wasn't that hard, was it?" I was still proud of myself for getting him to shut the fuck up.

"I guess not. Now fuck off"

I did what I was told, not wanting to rile it up again. I retreated back to my room, leaving him there, twitching.

Adam's pov

What the fuck was that. Why did I give in so easily?! I shouldn't have done that. I could see that it was getting to him so I should've kept going.. But why didn't I..

What is this feeling? Why's my heart beating so fast..?

Why did my body react like that when he pinned me down..? Why did I...Like it.?

No no no no no NO! I do NOT like that...Idiot! He's annoying, obnoxious, oblivious, cute- WHAT. Ugh..

I sat up and put my knees up and plopped my head on my knees. This is so fucking annoying. I haven't felt like this since Eden. I only liked him once! Then my wife was made, he took her which made me hate him more. My second wife was made, and he took her too!

I guess I kinda missed him... KINDA! Not that much... I think..

He looked so happy and proud when he got me to shut up, he could've at least done it a different way. Not the bitchy way. Could've just told me to shut up, which I wouldn't have followed because he told me to do it. But that's besides the point.

I feel like I would do anything... I mean anything. To see that face again. Fuck. Am I actually gaining feelings? No, that can't be right. Sinners don't have feelings. They only want people to be in pain or want to eat them, or fuck them. They don't actually like things... But then again you have some sinners that are in relationships, like Charlie and Vaggie. Well, I guess they're not sinners because one used to be an angel and the other is a hell born.

Sinner or not, I shouldn't have these feelings!

I turned onto my stomach on the bed, trying to not hurt my wings as I do so. Otherwise I'd scream like a whiny bitch.


I hate this.

Nobody's pov 

As everyone slept nice and sound, Lucifer was up all night with his insomnia. After that encounter with Adam, his brain wont go off of what his face looked like after he pinned him down. He was downstairs, reading a book he found lying around that seems to be about smut..

He quickly put the book down and went back to his room. Not to sleep. But to ponder about Adam. Not just his face, but everything. His new appearance and his attitude. He was also thinking of reasons why the first man would have fallen from heaven.

He was pacing in his room. Mumbling to himself. It was quiet though, because he didn't want to wake anyone up.

Him being quiet wasn't working, because after a few minutes, Adam walked in.

The one for me. From the beginning.  -AdamsApple fanficWhere stories live. Discover now