.~Bake off~.

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Nobody's pov

This was in fact, the opposite of fun. Lucifer and Adam were arguing on where to put the apples on the top. Lucifer was saying they belonged on the top around the edge, Adam was saying they belong to stick out of the pie.

"Why the fuck are you saying it should stick out?! That would be weird!"

"You just think you're entitled to have the decision because you're the king!"

"Nuh uh!"

This went on for... a while. The argument went back and forth at least 30 times. By the time they decided to go with Lucifer's option, the others had already finished and were waiting to be judged by Charlie.

After they finished putting the apples along the side of the pie, they brought out two plates, one for Charlie and one for Vaggie, and Adam put the plates in front of them.

Angel and Husk went first, Charlie enjoyed the blackberry sweetness mixed with the sugar on top and rated it a 7/10. Vaggie rated it a 6.5/10 because she doesn't like blackberries that much.

Next was Alastor and Niffty. They brought out their pie and they decided to make a Strawberry pie. They had strawberries pointed to the ceiling on the pie and Alastor cut two slices out. They had snuck in a thin chocolate layer under all the strawberries and this made Charlie excited to try it.

Charlie took a bite and gave it a solid 9/10, then it was Vaggie's turn and she quite enjoyed it. But it was Alastor who made it so she gave it an 8/10.

Charlie and Vaggie already knew what theirs tasted like, so they got everyone else to try it instead. Everyone put quite high scores but Lucifer's was the highest (Of course).

Then it was finally time for Adam's and Lucifer's, they thought they worked quite hard but while they were cutting the slices they were bickering on who would actually cut it.

"Just shut up an fuck already!"

Everywhere fell silent. Then everyone slowly turned to look at Angel.

"What? Ain't we all thinkin' they would just hate fuck?"


"No. We would never do such... vile things.."

Adam said after a while, looking at Lucifer while he said the last part. Angel could see right through his mask of emotions but decided not to say anything.

Eventually, they cut the pie and plated the slices on the plates in front of both Charlie and Vaggie. They both tasted it and their faces lit up. The multiple different flavours hitting their tongues, and landing in their stomach was almost heavenly.

"Dad... Adam... this.. Is.."

The suspense put everyone on their tippy toes, people's breaths getting caught in their throat could be heard sometimes.


Everyone breathes a sigh of relief and they all look at Lucifer and Adam, wondering how they made it taste so nice when they weren't even really listening to each other.

"Dad, Adam, I'm giving it a... 10/10!!! It's so nice! The way all the flavours mix together- MHMMMM"

Vaggie rates it about the same, but she didn't like all the different tastes and textures.

Both Adam and Luci look at eachother, happy that they got the highest votes and hugged tightly.

"I knew it!"

"Not the time, Angel."

They pulled away from each other once they realised what they were doing and cleared their throats, Luci was scratching the back of his neck while Adam was looking at the floor.

Everyone was allowed to get a slice of pie if they wanted to because there was plenty to share, Lucifer though, went back to his room and Adam tagged along...


I'm sorry it's so short but there will be more on the way I promise! And there will possibly be smut coming soon. Not the next chapter though.


The one for me. From the beginning.  -AdamsApple fanficWhere stories live. Discover now