chapter 5

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The morning sun rays made taehyung scrunch his nose as he slowly opened his eyes. 

Taehyung breathed in and out heavily as he looked around Licking his dry lips. Suddenly he came to realization , what happened last night ?

What the hell happened last night !? Taehyung said to himself.

He hastily removed his covers and saw , he was completly dressed taehyung frowned at it.

What a wierd dream he thought.

Taehyung got up from his bed , went to freshen up himself and walked out of the bathroom and wore his clothes and walked downstairs for his university.

" hey chim where are you ? "

" I'm already on my way wait a little "

" yeah "

Taehyung said his voice very low as he spoke to jimin he and Jimin always walk together for the torchure place.

" hey tae ! " jimin Said as he hopped on taehyungs back.

" hey jiminie " taehyung mumbled back

" why is my best friends voice so sad ? What happened ? " jimin asked a little concerned cause he knows taehyung is an fluffy guy.

" nothing chim , my parents left me again " jimin sighed heavily at it.

" they must be busy you know ? " jimin said as he rubbed his nape softly which made taehyung relax sooner.

Jimins eyes darted over taehyungs face to his neck and suddenly his breath stopped.

" what ? " taehyung asked.

" n-nothing , nothing " jimin said forcing a smile and he walked aside. Jimins eyes again went to taehyungs neck , there was a cross , an inverted one on his neck just peeped out and went in beneath his skin.

Jimins face paled more as he looked at the cross , what does it mean ?  

" what classes do we have today jimin ? " taehyung asked jimin who was literally zoned out so badly.

" earth to jimin " taehyung Said as he shook jimins shoulders and jimin flinched at it. Taehyungs eyes shrieked at the way jimin flinched.

" why are you flinching ? " taehyung asked.

" nothing just " jimin Said as he looked at taehyungs now clear neck.

" we have divination next " jimin said

" divination ? Are we in harry potter or something? Isn't it a study of mythical creatures and something like that ? " taehyung joked and jimin just smiled at hid friend.

Only if you know what the other side of the world is taehyung jimin thought.

" tae " taehyung turned around looking at his friend who was sitting beside him his fingers fidgeting

" yea " taehyung mumbled.

" do you feel wierd ? Like something wierd happens ? " jimin asked and the thougt hit taehyung in a truck.

" oh shoot , I forgot to say something " taehyung said.

" what is it " jimin asked curiously hearing what taehyung is saying.

" jimin i had this wierd dream like , I had sex with someone " taehyung said and jimins saliva stuck on his throat.

" w-what " jimin asked.

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