chapter 9

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Taehyung woke up once again , no one near him , the sun light was again comming into his room in rays he looked at the bed sheets being pitch clear his body void of any pain again.

What if I'm hallucinating ? Taehyung asked himself as he stood up from his bed.

He went downstairs for some food and to get ready for his university , taehyung was thinking about a certain demon that he wishes he was here.

Taehyung felt used , he dosent know why , but the demon never stays there with him.

Taehyung spread a little strawberry jam on his bread and started to munch on it not thinking much , after all he was a demon and taehyung was a mere human.

Suddenly a heavy sound was heard , taehyung flinched as he looked behind his back no one. Again the sound blast , someone trying to break into his house.

"No way " taehyung whispered as he neared the door and looked at it.

Again bang !

Taehyung stepped back at the heavy sound , his hands stared to shake as he heard the loud banging of the door.

" ah ! " taehyung yelled when the door banged open. Taehyung fell down on the floor his back hit with the glass that was right behind him.

Taehyungs eyes widen in fear as he looked at the scene infornt of him.

There stood 3-4 men tall as fuck thier hands holding an staff that had rings on it they were dressed wierdly. One man with sea green eyes came forward and taehyung looked at him with fear.

The man held the staff above and he wanted to stab taehyung on his neck taehyung thought his life was over , he closed his eyes tightly couldn't do anything as everything was so rapid.

But the staff didn't reach him.

Taehyung looked above his eyes stared to sparkle as he looked at the person , it was jungkook. He was holding the staff on the green eyed man.

Taehyung saw something,  something burning , there was smoke comming from jungkooks hands. Is jungkook burning ?

" move , demon " the green eyed man Said.

"  I won't " jungkook growled his eyes turning red as he looked at the other man.

" I don't need your permission " the man said as he pushed the staff and jungkook didn't bulge on the force the green eyed man rages

" I'll not let you hurt my love " the demon said as he kicked the man and took taehyungs eyes and an portal opened behind them and it sucked in taehyung and jungkook

Taehyungs heart beat was beating so hard as he felt air flushing through him it was unbearable it hurted his ear.

" it hurts " taehyung whimpered in pain and jungkook securely closed taehyungs ears

" it's okay " jungkook said as he hugged taehyung and they were landed somewhere. 

" hey , are you okay? " jungkook asked and taehyung looked around which seems to be an big house black leather couches curtains and a big chandelier on the celing.

" where are we ? " taehyung asked breathing heavily layer of sweat on his forehead.

" somewhere safe " jungkook said and he put his three fingers on taehyungs forehead to his chin creasing him and taehyung was cast under a spell.

He was asleep.

" I won't let anyone touch your shadow " jungkook said creasing taehyungs cheeks taking him on bridal style and going to an room placing him down on the soft mattress

MY DEMON | taekook Where stories live. Discover now