A leap into the unknown

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POV of main protagonist "Prithviraj":-

Falling through the sky felt like plunging into the depths of an unfathomable ocean. The celestial light cast strange shadows on my face as it whispered cryptic chants. "In the celestial realms, where mortal eyes dare not gaze," a woman's voice echoed, her words resonating with an otherworldly urgency. "Summoned hero, accomplish your mission before time ends."

Summoned hero? Mission? Celestial realms? The words echoed in my mind, mingling with doubts and confusion. Was this some twisted dream, or perhaps a passage from one of Shakespeare's fantastical plays? But as I shouted for clarity, the chants only grew louder, piercing my ears with relentless insistence.

Then, abruptly, the chanting ceased, and I found myself crashing into the ground of an unfamiliar abode. As I dusted myself off and took in my surroundings, I couldn't help but marvel at the opulence surrounding me. Rich furnishings, luxurious décor, and a peculiar addition—a parrot perched nearby.

Then I saw parrot nearby and asked, "Who are you?".

"Who are you? Who are you?" the parrot squawked, its repetitive refrain grating on my nerves.

"My name is Prithviraj," I replied, hoping for a semblance of communication.

But the parrot's response remained unchanged, its mocking tone pushing me to the brink of frustration. "Haven't you got any other words?" I snapped, my patience wearing thin.

Yet, the parrot persisted, taunting me with each repetition. Enraged, I lunged towards it, only to stumble and collide with a drawer, sending shards of glass flying.

As pain shot through my body, the parrot's mocking laughter filled the room. "Ouch, that hurts... that hurts," it mimicked, its feathers ruffling with amusement.

Gritting my teeth, I resolved to deal with the troublesome bird later. For now, I needed to make sense of my bizarre predicament. Was I truly a summoned hero, tasked with some unknown mission? And if so, what dangers awaited me in this strange new world?

As I stood there, disoriented and bewildered, the door creaked open, revealing the concerned faces of my mother and sister peering in.

"Prithviraj, are you alright?" my mother asked, her voice laced with worry.

I stopped and thought for a while is my name same from my real world....

I opened my mouth to respond, but the words caught in my throat. How could I explain the inexplicable events that had transpired?

Before I could gather my thoughts, a wave of dizziness washed over me, and I stumbled backwards, clutching my head. Was this all just a dream? Would I wake up back in my own world, safe and sound?

But as consciousness slipped away, reality remained stubbornly unchanged. When I finally regained my senses, I found myself still standing in the lavish room, surrounded by my concerned family.

"Enough of this drama, Prithviraj," my mother chided, her tone firm yet gentle. "You need to get ready for your magic classes. You're growing up, and it's time to embrace your responsibilities."

Magic classes? Responsibilities? The words echoed in my mind, sending a shiver down my spine. Was this another twist in the surreal tale that had become my life?

With a heavy heart and a head full of unanswered questions, I reluctantly followed my mother's instructions, preparing myself for the unknown challenges that lay ahead.

Little did I know, my journey into the world of magic was just beginning, and the mysteries that awaited me would far surpass anything I could have imagined.

Unconditional Embrace: Love Beyond RealmsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz