Gift beyond Words

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In the event of gossiping on princess arrival.....

Princess Sanyogita approached her parents, King and Queen. She couldn't help but wonder which among the noble families present was the mysterious Prithvi. Her thoughts were interrupted as the king called for everyone to gather for a speech.

With pride shining in his eyes, King Kashyap announced his daughter's birthday and her coming of age, signaling the beginning of her duties as a true princess of the capital. As he raised his glass in a toast, the entire royal court followed suit, cheering in celebration.

Turning to Sanyogita, the king beckoned her to speak, and with grace and humility, she thanked everyone for joining her on her special day, promising to serve the people with dedication and compassion. Applause erupted throughout the hall at her heartfelt words.

As the guests began to approach the royal family to present their gifts, Prithvi remained entranced by Sanyogita's beauty and poise. His mother, noticing his fixation, teased him about his sudden interest in the princess. Isn't she beautiful my son asked his mom. Yes, mom she is the aura of the holy world... without noticing what he is saying...Prithvi blurted out his admiration for Sanyogita's beauty, only to backtrack awkwardly when his mother and sister teased him about it. With a sheepish smile, he tried to brush off his comment as mere observation.

Amidst the banter, Prithviraj's father suggested they offer their greetings to the king, queen, and princess. As they approached the royal family, Prithviraj's mother inquired about the gift he had prepared for Sanyogita.

Panicked, Prithviraj searched his pockets frantically, only to come up empty-handed. With a heavy heart, he confessed that he had lost the gift along the way. His parents reassured him, saying they had already prepared a gift from their family.

Prithvi's father being head of the family greeted the royal and wished Sanyogita happy bday on her special day with lots of best wishes.. he introduced his family, wife, daughter Sangeeta and his son prithvi...

Sanyogita's curiosity was piqued when she heard Prithviraj's name. When he approached her to offer his greetings and gifts, she interrupted him, asking if he had brought a gift for her.

Everyone was confused at princess sudden question thinking does she know prithvi before... Sanyogita said, I am asking as everyone has brought some special gifts for me, I thought you too prince prithvi.. 

Confused by her familiarity, Prithviraj stumbled over his words before admitting and apologized that I'm extremely sorry my princess by bowing down i prepared something for you but somehow i lost somewhere.

She inquired was that gift enveloped under blue box with your name....prithvi being shocked yes it was... She reassured him, revealing that the lost gift had found its way to her, one of the royal serving maid found your gift and shared to me.... He was relieved to know his efforts didn't go in vain but still he apologized for his carelessness....

Sanyogita understood with his aura, words familiarity and the gift she found from person who rescued her from assailants that prithvi is the one who helped her...

She asked Prince Prithviraj if she could open his gift first, he humbly agreed, admitting that he had struggled to decide on the perfect present and had ultimately decided to prepare something himself. Intrigued by his words, Sanyogita asked the servant to bring the gift she found in the hallway... 

With a mixture of anticipation and nervousness, Prithvi, watching anxiously as she began to unwrap it. As the wrapping fell away, revealing the contents within, Sanyogita's eyes widened in surprise and wonder.

There, nestled within the wrapping, was a beautiful doll, its features carefully crafted to replicate the likeness and charm of Sanyogita herself. The princess was momentarily stunned, her heart filled with a whirlwind of emotions.

Memories of her childhood flooded back to her—the times when her mother had known her fondness for such dolls, the moments of joy and laughter they had shared together. And now, here before her, was a tangible reminder of those cherished memories.

Tears welled up in Sanyogita's eyes as she gazed upon the doll, touched by Prithviraj's thoughtful gesture. In that moment, she felt a profound sense of gratitude and warmth towards him, knowing that he had put his heart and soul into creating such a meaningful gift for her. 

Meanwhile, Prithviraj watched Sanyogita's reaction with bated breath, his heart pounding in his chest as he waited for her verdict. Seeing the tears in her eyes, he couldn't help but worry that perhaps his gift had fallen short of her expectations.

In that moment, as they stood together in the glow of the palace lights, Prince Prithviraj and Princess Sanyogita shared a silent understanding—a bond forged not just by the exchange of gifts, but by the deeper connection that had begun to blossom between them. And as they exchanged eye contact, a sense of hope and possibility filled the air, signaling the beginning of a new chapter in their intertwined destinies.

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