Melodies of Love

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Lets go a little back from the scene of princess...

As Princess Sanyogita wandered the streets of the kingdom, her heart was filled with a sense of freedom and excitement. It was rare for her to venture beyond the confines of the palace walls, and she relished the opportunity to explore the world outside.

But her joy was short-lived as she found herself suddenly accosted by a group of assailants, their faces twisted with malice as they advanced upon her. Panic surged through her veins as she realized the gravity of the situation. These were no ordinary thieves; they knew she was the princess, and their intentions were clear.

With adrenaline coursing through her veins, Sanyogita's mind raced with thoughts of escape. Should she fight back, or would that only escalate the situation? Should she call for help, or would that only draw more attention to her plight?

In the midst of her turmoil, her thoughts turned to the mysterious boy who had come to her rescue. Who was he, and why had he risked his life to save her? Did he know her true identity, or was it simply an act of kindness from a stranger?

She found herself whisked away from danger in a blur of motion, she couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude towards the mysterious boy who had come to her rescue. His bravery and selflessness had not gone unnoticed, and she was deeply touched by his courageous act.

But as she settled back into the safety of her chambers, a wave of concern washed over her. What had become of the boy who had risked everything to save her? Was he safe, or had he put himself in harm's way to protect her?

The thought gnawed at her, filling her with a sense of unease. She couldn't shake the feeling that she owed him a debt of gratitude, and she was worried that he was safe and unharmed.

With a heavy heart and a head full of unanswered questions, Sanyogita resolved to uncover the truth behind the mysterious boy identity. Little did she know, her encounter with the enigmatic boy would set into motion a chain of events that would forever alter the course of her destiny.

While Sanyogita pondered the events of the evening and her upcoming responsibilities, a soft knock sounded on her chamber door. Startled from her thoughts, she composed herself before her mother, the queen, entered the room.

"Sanyogita, my dear," her stepmother began with a gentle smile, "tomorrow is an important day for our kingdom. You must prepare yourself to represent the dignity and pride of our family."

Sanyogita's heart sank at her stepmother's words, the weight of her royal duties pressing down on her shoulders. "Why can't I live a normal life?" she thought to herself, her gaze drifting to the window where the moon cast its soft glow.

Meanwhile, in a parallel scene, Prithviraj stood in his room with a half-open door, humming a tune as he busied himself with his preparations for the princess's birthday celebration. 

"Tomorrow I'll meet you, Tomorrow I'll see you," he sang softly to himself, his voice filled with a mix of anticipation and nervousness. "You'll come in front of me, and I'll just stand watching you... Oh, my princess, I'll see you in real."

Unbeknownst to him, his mother and sister stood outside the door, listening with fond smiles at the sight of their son and brother lost in his own little world. They shared a knowing look, their hearts warmed by the sight of his earnestness and devotion.

Just as Prithviraj was about to resume his task, the door swung open, revealing his mother and sister standing there. Startled, he quickly hid what he was working on, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

"What are you doing here?" he stammered, attempting to cover up his earlier actions.

His mother and sister exchanged amused glances before teasingly replying, "Listening to your lovely song, of course."

Confused, Prithviraj protested, "What song? I wasn't singing anything."

But before he could protest further, the familiar voice of Toofan, the parrot, echoed his earlier words, much to his chagrin."Tomorrow I'll meet you, Tomorrow I'll see you..."

And so, amidst laughter and teasing, the scene came to a close, leaving Prithviraj to ponder the mysteries of love and destiny that awaited him on the eve of the princess's birthday celebration.

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