Echoes of Destiny

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As midnight descended, Prithvi's father went in his room to talk to his beloved son. He found himself deep in conversation with his father, the king of Sunrising East. It was then that his father revealed the truth of his lineage—that Prithviraj was none other than the prince of their homeland, and they had been invited to attend the upcoming birthday celebration of the princess in the capital. His father explained that this celebration is nothing but just to show the political connection and strong relationships of the current king of the capital to others. So, as a noble he has to represent and behave with every single dignity of our lineage in mind.

Puzzled and surprised by this revelation, Prithviraj grappled with his newfound identity as a noble. As he retreated to his room, bathed in the soft glow of the moonlight streaming through the window, he couldn't help but ponder the mysteries of his destiny and the reason why he had been chosen as a hero.

Lost in thought, Prithviraj eventually succumbed to sleep, only to be jolted awake by a message from the goddess in his dreams. She warned him that Princess Sanyogita was in danger—she would be attacked and kidnapped on her birthday.

The image of the princess's tears and the urgency of the message left Prithviraj reeling with fear and uncertainty. Was this dream truly a premonition of what was to come? And if so, how could he, a mere noble, hope to protect the beloved princess from harm?

As he struggled to make sense of the vision that had invaded his sleep, his gaze fell upon a picture of Princess Sanyogita beside his table. In that moment, he made a silent vow—to fulfill his promise to the princess, to protect her at all costs, and to ensure that no harm would befall her under his watch.

In the parallel scene.....

As Princess Sanyogita gazed out at the moonlit night from her chamber window, a deep sadness enveloped her heart. Memories of her departed mother flooded her mind, and she couldn't help but feel the ache of loneliness gnawing at her soul.

"Why did you have to leave me, Amma?" she whispered softly, her voice barely audible in the stillness of the night. "I've been so lonely here, just pretending to be a part of this family..."

With a heavy heart, Sanyogita retreated to her bed, her thoughts consumed by the bittersweet memories of her mother's love and the emptiness that now filled her days. As tears welled up in her eyes, she clung to the memory of her mother's last words—to be strong, no matter what.

The next morning, Sanyogita awoke to find herself surrounded by a flurry of activity as her stepmother's maids bustled about, preparing her for the day's events. A letter from her stepmother detailed the schedule for the birthday celebration and the tasks she was expected to fulfill.

Despite the heaviness weighing on her heart, Sanyogita resolved to follow her stepmother's instructions, her spirit weighed down by the burden of loneliness and unspoken sorrow. With a quiet determination, she pushed aside her own feelings and prepared herself for the day ahead, resigned to her fate as a mere pawn in the grand game of court politics.

Little did she know, the events of the day would unfold in ways she could never have imagined, setting into motion a chain of events that would test her strength, her courage, and her very identity as the beloved princess of the Supreme Kingdom.

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