Unspoken Bond

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As Princess Sanyogita held the doll in her hands, her heart overflowing with emotion, Prithvi couldn't help but feel a pang of regret for his perceived failure in choosing a suitable gift. With all eyes on him, he couldn't shake off the feeling of unease, fearing he had disappointed the princess. Prithvi said, I'm deeply sorry my highness if my gifts were that bad... please forgive mewhile everyone watching prithvi there... king (Sanyogita's father) askedSanyogita what happened dear was this gift really bad or of low standard.... 

When Sanyogita finally spoke, her words took everyone by surprise. With tears in her eyes, she shared the significance of the doll, revealing its deeper meaning and the memories. Shesaid father do you recall mom used to give me the similar doll before she leftus... king said yes my daughter with lost thoughts of his ex wife.. 

 Prithviraj listened intently, his heart swelling with relief and gratitude as he realized the true impact of his gift.

As Sanyogita thanked him profusely, "prithvi thank you very much... you gave me the best birthday present beyond my imagination I don't know how to thank you enough..." She stood and ask prithvi father and mother.. if you don't mind can you please enroll prithvi in the same prolific world known Scholar magical academy as mine... I've no friends there but I want to have prithvi with me... Prithvi's father bowing down... this is nothing to ask for my princess.. prithvi will join there as I already had planned for enrolling him there by taking entrance exam there a week later... Also, no to mention during his initial learning he already mastered all the spells there is nothing left to teach from his magical teacher appointed... Prithviraj's parents beamed with pride, their decision to enroll him in the prestigious magical academy validated by the princess's request. With a sense of belonging and purpose, Prithviraj accepted the invitation with humility, knowing that this opportunity would bring him closer to Sanyogita.

Meanwhile, jealousy simmered among the other nobles, their envy palpable as they witnessed the bond between Prithviraj and Sanyogita deepen. But amidst the whispers and glances, the princess approached Prithviraj with a shy smile, asking if he would be her friend.

Overwhelmed by her kindness, Prithviraj vowed I am not very worthy of thinking that much princess... I'll always come and protect you whenever you need me... she got the flashback of how he said the same when she saved her...  And as Sanyogita's smile lit up the room, Prithviraj couldn't help but feel a surge of happiness wash over him, his worries and doubts melting away in her presence. Shesmiled first time after her mom's death with such pureness while prithvi melting in thoughts... how can her smile be so soothing...

Seeing everything happening, Prithvi's sister couldnt hold back and said princess if you will smile like that I am not sure if he can be alive anymore.. laughing cunningly seeing his brother... with that sanyogita also little embrassed.... then said his sister Sangeeta you can consider me as your elder sister only and I'm getting bored can you join with me in this party.. she first saw towards her mom who gave signal with her eyes.. and Sanyogita Said father there is nothing more left for me to get introduced with... can I play with sanyogita for a while... he said it's your day princess after all..

prithvi being sad again she was again far from him... and how lucky his sis is... His mom came from behind and said I am very disappointed with you my son.. you never made something like that for me... teasing him a little... prithvi said you already have me as best gift mom... she said that's the undeniable fact they both laughed... then she asked so thinking about sanyogita hein... prithvi said mom not like thinking in romantic way or something mom interrupted when did I ask in Romantic way teasing him even more... 

while in other scene sanyogita keen on knowing how prithvi personally is... while engaged in random chit chat with Sangeeta... she said I know elder sis of your curiosity let me be honest with you... even though he is unaware he is the person who will risk his own life for someone who is in need and if it's someone from his loved one... he can fight with God even... impressing sanyogita more even... let me tell you about an incident where he actually went out in the market to buy something for you but instead saw some people ganging on a girl without a second thought he just risked his own life to save her...

Sanyogita confirmed in his thoughts that prithvi was the only one thay saved and teleported her in the first instance as well.... she said Sangeeta can you keep something from your brother... she said yes anything... she said actually I'm sort of having crush on him right now.... Sangeeta without any shock I can understand elder sis... he is little ignorant on what he is capable but he is the most handsome and desirable person anyone wants.. though I'll tease you both 😏 😜 because he is unaware of his own feeling but he do feel the same... Sanyogita little embarrassed hearing same... she said if you are still having doubt if you look in the direction of him... he is still watching you only... and when sanyogita turned there he was but seeing Sanyogita's eyes prithvi starting seeing in other direction Sangeeta laughing hard.... poor brother... 

As the event wore on, it was quite late and king thanked everyone for coming... everyone started leaving including prithvi family... Sangeeta saying bye to her elder sis.. while prithvi couldn't say but with sad smile thank you princess... the similar sadness for princess as she wanted more time to stay with him.... 

As Prithviraj bid farewell to the princess, a sense of longing washed over him, his heart heavy with the knowledge that their time together was fleeting. But as he watched her disappear into the crowd, he knew that their connection was far from over, and that their destinies were intertwined in ways they had yet to discover.

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