chapter thirty-three

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Chapter 33: Brought Taekwondo To A Knife Fight

light cw: knife wounds

Since Chan and Minho were out early for the day and Changbin was taking the day off (rightfully so), Felix was in charge of locking up the building and making sure those that were on shift for security were okay. He was still excited to hang out with Hyunjin, but since he was closing up, he decided to focus on that first. 

So far, the past few days have been quiet and uneventful. Minus the small groups of reporters that camped out in front of the building when Jeongin's signing was first announced. However, those reporters started not showing up after they were made aware of the strict security and presence of Sheriff Hongjoong. Felix was thankful for that.

The quiet has been nice, but it made Felix uneasy if he thought about it for too long. Hongjoong still says they haven't found the culprit. It was like they didn't exist, no tracks, nothing. The only proof that they existed was Minho's car window having being busted. Someone else was hiding them and that meant they were still out there. 

The direction they disappeared in was also just forest, leading into mountains beyond. It was an odd placement for a building, but Chan always liked how secluded and beautiful the area was. Yet, because of that forest, a creep was able to get away. Felix shook his head, attempting to shake the thoughts away as he locked Chan's office.

He'd just finished double checking some emails for the boss man, and making sure his office was closed off and the cameras were on. Not just the normal cameras, but extra one's Chan added that weren't connected to the internet. Felix suspected it was incase the security cameras get blacked out again. 

Walking down the hallway to the elevator, he made his way downstairs to the new security office. It used to be a large files and storage room, but now it's where Changbin and his crew camp out for the night and during the day. It helped that the second major power unit was in there. They turned it into quite the cozy area, Felix had to admit. 

After checking in on Yeonjun, he quickly left to make sure other offices were locked and made sure no one was left behind. It was unnerving how quiet and how dark it was. Felix had been after hours before, though not often, he liked to leave as soon as his work was done. Even so, it felt unnerving now because of current events. 

Felix wasn't sure if he could trust the dark of the studios anymore, jumping at the sounds of the pipes or heater whirring to life. He hated how on edge he was, just walking down a dark hallway that he's walked down hundreds of times at this point. Lit or darkened. His own shadow spooked him at one point, making him huff in frustration. 

Attempting to calm his heart for what felt like the hundredth time, he continued until he was fully certain that everything was off and empty. He finally made his way to the employee longue to retrieve his things, clock out, and meet with Hyunjin. Turning the last corner though, Felix's confident stride came to a halt at the sight of a figure in the hallway. 

Felix saw the shape of long hair and immediately assumed it was Hyunjin. "Goodness.. You scared me Hyunjin. I thought you didn't like the dark?" Felix laughed nervously afterwards, but only received silence in response. Felix gripped his leg through his jean pockets, gritting his teeth slightly out of anxiety. 

"You're.. not Hyunjin, are you?" 


The voice was unfamiliar and gruff, sending a feeling of dread through Felix. "Who are you? What are you doing here after hours?" The person began to step closer, but Felix stepped back again, holding his hands out. "Stay where you are and answer me, what are you doing here? Who are you?" Felix took a subtle fighting stance, narrowing his eyes.

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