chapter thirty-four

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Chapter 34: "We should .. Probably Seek Therapy"

Hyunjin paced the floor, waiting for Felix to get out of surgery. Thank the gods, the knife hadn't got into anything fatal, but the rib was definitely a problem. It had broken in a way that was causing internal bleeding. While Felix was rolled away, Hyunjin realized it was late enough after the other's date to finally contact them and tell them what happened.

Chan was extremely unhappy and wishes Hyunjin called him sooner, but he was also thankful for it.. It was confusing. Now, soon after their fun day, they were all rushing to the hospital to see Felix and hear from Hyunjin what happened. The raven didn't want to talk about it over the phone and Chan thought he sounded stressed enough and didn't argue.

As soon as the others arrived, Felix was out of surgery and Hyunjin was sat by his bedside, staring at him worriedly. When he heard the others enter the room, he jumped to his feet, immediately being engulfed in a hug by Jeongin. They all stood toward the end of the bed and spoke in hushed tones, as if that determined how Felix would wake up.

"Can you tell me what happened exactly?"

"Chan said you refused to tell him what happened?"

"Are you okay?"

"Was it the same creep after Minho?"

Questions came all at once and Hyunjin was overwhelmed, but before he could try to answer, a louder voice broke through their frantic whispers. "Guys, don't bombard him like that, can't you see he's overwhelmed?" Everyone whipped their heads around to see Felix was mostly awake, his eyes half-lidded and a lazy smile on his face.

"Felix!" They all yelled, immediately surrounding his bed. "Hugs one at a time, gentlemen, I'm sure I'll be sore here in a minute." Seungmin was to him first, a small amount of his tears in his eyes. "Hey, hey, no tears. Especially not from you mister." Seungmin laughed and moved to let everyone give Felix a gentle hug.

Hyunjin was the only one who just sat down, not really going for a hug. He looked like he was going to pass out from how relieved he was. Once everyone who wanted one got their hug, Chan immediately asked, "Okay, so what the hell happened?" He eyed the two with serious and concerned eyes.

"Man, you really got that dad look down." Felix said with a soft laugh. Chan rolled his eyes playfully, sitting down on Felix's bed beside his feet. "Anyway, I was doing all the closing duties, you know the deal. I was done and ready to leave with Hyunjin, but then.." Felix was trying to not let the fear get to him again, it was already enough he has to recover physically.

"It's so stupid, everything had me on edge, every sound, my own shadow. I turned the last corner, finally letting my guard down.. I thought he was Hyunjin. He definitely was not. He- He wanted me to tell him where Minho was staying. He'd- He was at Minho's house, waiting for him." Felix felt a warm hand on his tense one, looking up he saw Hyunjin's comforting smile.

Felix felt instantly calmer and it surprised him that was all Hyunjin had to do. "I refused to tell him, ofcourse, but when I asked if he was the one who broke into Minho's car and office .. He was all cryptic about it. I stupidly lunged at him first and got the wind knocked out of me." Chan mumbled a small 'idiot' under his breath and Felix shrugged.

"Next thing I knew he pulled out a knife and threatened my life if I didn't tell him. Again I refused. I thought that stumped him.. but then.." Felix looked over at Hyunjin, again so thankful that the raven was okay. "He threatened Hyunjin's life. Before I knew it, I was fighting for Hyunjin's and my life in front of the employee lounge while Hyunjin dialed for the police."

"He stabbed me and ran. Which.. ow.. Remind me to get back to those Taekwondo classes, Channie." Chan shook his head in disbelief and the room was silent after that. Felix looked around, taking in the angry faces of his friends, realizing maybe what he did was really stupid. "I-I'm sorry guys, I know I shouldn't have done-"

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