chapter forty-seven

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Chapter 47: "Yours?" "All Mine."

skz gay kids

han_nie_: ya know what ive been wondering?

puppy_min00_: no, it hard to tell at any point in time what you are thinking

felix_cious_: lmao

han_nie_: okay.. rude

_leeknow: what have you been wondering, love?

han_nie_: when did changbin and jeongin become.. official? like we saw them ask each other out on their first date, but we never got the story.. ya know?

bg.chan: oh yeah huh... 

puppy_min00_: why didn't we talk about that?

i.n._: could've been lost among the sillies and goofies...

hwa.hyunjin_: LMAO okay so then spill! 

ch.binnie: go ahead innie, i think you'd best tell the story

i.n._: well...


Sometime back in February...

Though the two had admitted how they'd felt at Jeongin's birthday, there was still this underlying feeling of nervousness. It consumed them for a little while before their date. Their first date, however, lasted three days. In true queer fashion, the two just didn't want to leave the other ... so they didn't. Beside work, Changbin was at Jeongin's flat.

The first day, was valentines day. The two decided to go see a movie then have dinner after. They flirted, they talked about everything, and they enjoyed every bit of it. They were instantly comfortable in each others presence. It was so quick that the nervousness almost seemed silly. Changbin stayed the night and woke to make them both breakfast in the morning.

Jeongin said they could walk around the park and so they spent day two cooking/baking together, then having a picnic. It was a relatively warmer day, but they still had to bundle up and stuck to each other to stay warm. Again, they were so comfortable in each other company, rarely looking at their phones or paying attention to the world around them.

They gamed at one point, watched movies late into the night, and snuggled... a lot. It almost felt like two familiar souls were meeting again after so long apart. Both of them wanted to ask the other to be official, but there was a fear among the two of them that, despite how much they've texted/talked and how well spent these days were together.. what if they weren't ready?

The third day.. was when something more extreme happened. They'd gone to a coffee shop early in the morning to get some drinks and share a cinnamon roll. Jeongin had started to notice the waitress had been flirting with Changbin and he felt a bit bitter about it, but let it pass. In fact, it seemed the whole world was in favor of Changbin that day.

Many people had flirted with Changbin slightly, earning small glares that Jeongin would send their way and usually they'd get scared away immediately. However, it was different when the two had gone to the grocery store to get snacks when a lady, a very pretty lady, was hitting on Changbin. 

The two were strolling around the grocery store, picking up random items and cracking jokes with each other. At one point, they stood in from of the ramen section for maybe ten minutes, debating about what type or ramen is the best and then what type of noodles makes great ramen noodles. It was an odd.. conversation from an outside perspective.

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