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♡Note: I know it's progressing quite fast, but I have been meaning to wrap this up a long time ago. I seek your understanding!! Thank you for clicking into my work :)
♡Note2: I'm no childbirth expert, so bear with me on that. I'll keep some things vague because I have no experiences nor do I want false representation 🙏 Respect to all mothers and healthcare workers!

"Captain, breathe. She will be here soon."

Law had everything prepared. From the newest, most sanitary equipment to intense training he's done to prepare his crew for her delivery, he literally checked all the boxes he spent days and nights compiling.

Ikkaku was the only one allowed near Moon during the birth- he did not want males near her at any time. However, they had to be on standby in case of medical emergencies and were all nervous yet excited at the arrival of a new life. The snail that Law carefully placed on top of the table rung, and he picked it up within a second.

It was three days before her due date- she took the least number of leaves she could, making sure not to leave anything left behind for the other teachers at G-14. After informing them that she would have her delivery at another hospital she frequented, she left the marine base to meet Law. Carrying a bunch of items sponsored by the marines, she informed him of her whereabouts before feeling the ground beneath her, disappearing for a split second.


Upon having Law's voice land on her ears, she jumped into his embrace tiredly, wanting to fall asleep any moment. She has felt one contraction so far and was dying to just lie down somewhere. Her body was tensed up yet relaxed; all she needed was to see their faces.

"Moon! How are you feeling?"
"I think I had one contraction. Apart from that, I'm all good. Just the usual pregnancy pains, tiredness, soreness, stress, anxiety..."

Seeing the person that normally kept her worries to herself ramble on, the crew immediately exchanged glances, handing her water and cushions to lean on. Thanking them with dark rings below her eyes, she looked up at Law, who looked objectively worse than she did. How many nights did he spend not sleeping? Frowning a little, she let herself melt into his embrace as he did the same. The two just needed a moment to feel their warmth, and it was effective in calming them down.

"I'll be here. I won't sleep. So just call me if you suspect anything."
"Law, please don't do that. My first wish as a soon to be mother- wait."

Feeling the second contraction hit her like a wave, she paused her speech and breathed in, making everyone panic a little. Waving her hands to let them know she was fine, she continued talking about how she really wanted Law to be more well-rested, but there was no stopping him.

"Please go and sleep."
"Not when you're going through this."
"I'm fine. And there's your trustworthy crew. The Polar Tang looks so different, all clean and corners all blocked out. Thank you all."
"I don't care. I'm staying awake."
"Stubborn much?"

Pinching his nose, she gave up on convincing him to rest up and looked around the submarine in awe. It was so clean and baby proof, and she could feel the warmth of everyone's efforts just by being inside. Wiping the tears away quietly, she sipped on a cup of water calmly, trying to get used to the pain. It was nothing she couldn't take, given that she went through many years of treating her own wounds and having period cramps.

Moon had to resort to walking around eventually, as sitting down reminded her of the periodic pain. Law was already in his doctor mode, dressed in a coat, sterile gloves, mask, and a plastic cap he only wore when treating Luffy's serious injuries back then. Law had instructed her to grab onto Bepo, as he was pretty durable, and a normal human squeeze wouldn't hurt him that much. Additionally, the other males had to be out of the room for now, and only Ikkaku was there to assist Law.

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