#34 - Special Request

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"Darling. Look up at the moon. Beautiful, isn't it?"
"Yes! It is so bright and... hmm, pretty. And, and!"

Watching the child list out all the adjectives she could recall from her small yet intelligent brain, the mother figure smiled, giving her a peck on the forehead.

Moon was once always huddled in the embrace of her loving parents, with her nickname being 'Moon' due to the family's love for watching the night sky together. She would have her tender cheeks pinched in adoration, her mother commenting that her round face resembled that of an illuminating moon in the night sky, only bringing joy to those around her. She was loved simply for existing, for being a child, and for being herself.

She did not have much— the town she grew up in barely had enough funds to have any recreational activities, but their education system was better than most poor towns. The children would gather together to read books together and act out the stories to pass the time. Life was not perfect, but she was happy enough to have parents who loved her for her very being.

She was a relatively quiet and introverted child, but she did have enough company and friends to be satisfied.

The day when she lost the love and guidance she clearly needed and wanted, she fell into a state of confusion. After the sudden storm had engulfed her and her parents, she always held hope that they would return; and this was reflected in her eating habits that drove her away from the rest of the town. The pirates that saved her left her on her own so that she could learn to fend for herself. They were kind enough to rescue her from the sinking ship but did not have enough care or resources to take in a young girl. Hence, she was thrown into the town alone, forcing food into her mouth, often holding back her tears.

"Why do you eat so much? Please stop. We have no more for the rest of us."

When an older lady questioned her on this, Moon realised how the presence of love could alter the outlook of one person. Her parents loved her for clearing her plate without being picky, but there were adults in this world who stopped her from doing so. Her small hands stuffing the bread into her mouth came to a halt, and her voice that she squeaked out was muffled in the tears and pieces of bread she did not even chew properly.

"Because... When mommy and daddy are back, they won't recognise me if I no longer look like a moon!"
"Dear, your parents..."
"What about them?!"

Spitting out the words with the most force she could muster, Moon made sure to bring her point across— that she did not want to hear the truth. The older lady sighed and got up, leaving her behind to finish up the bread. Everyone was tired and exhausted since the incident. Her parents were not the only ones they had lost, and they were busy trying to rebuild whatever they had with the remaining townspeople.

In other words, she was a burden, and they expressed that fact clearly. Moon refused to find out or recall her actual name, as she had the same rationale of possibly seeing her parents again. And the moon was always there, shining for everyone else with the promise of eternity. She loved that dearly. The moon simply existed, and people admired it, made wishes, and even painted it.

She wanted to be like the moon.

The devil fruit she happened to eat so clearly helped her achieve that. She spoke only when necessary, always showering the children under her care with love and care. She did not want anyone else to go through what she did, especially the vulnerable children. This was why she could never give up on her dreams of taking care of more children, even if it meant being apart from Law at times. She knew too well that Law could be gone anytime, so she tried to learn how to live without him whenever she could. It was a tiring and cruel thought to hold, but she did not know how to live otherwise. How could she?

As much as Law had to learn to be less possessive, she had to learn how to be more vulnerable and depend on others more. Even with Iah in her arms, she would feel the remnants of her parents drowning in the ocean, her fear of losing her loved ones, making her heart beat irregularly and painfully. It was like a nightmare that she could never wake from, and she did not know how to seek help regarding this matter, so she just lived with it.

The difference now was that she had someone yearning for her as much as she yearned for them. Law, Iah, their crew. It was a beautiful feeling; to be in the very ocean she was afraid of, but to feel safe in it. Knowing that her parents might still be somewhere in this vast ocean, be it alive or not, comforted and disturbed her a great deal. That's the kind of relief Law gave her. The overwhelming joy that someone is always out there for her, but the intense fear that he might die in a battle or disappear in the oceans all of a sudden. She chose to always look at the positive and hence smiled through her days, her gentleness drawing the children towards her. She had no patience for adults since they could fend for themselves and she belived that they should have learned how to behave by the age they have reached.

She was also aware that adult males could demand so much more than that, so she was extra curt to any of them she came across unless they proved themselves to be otherwise. She tried to raise Iah the best as she could, to impart values that would result in him being a wonderful man like Law was.

This was proven to be quite difficult, however, with Law always attacking someone, or with her always being ready for battles. He had to see how the people who loved him the most could kill. This upset her quite a great deal, but she wanted nothing more than the simple presence of unconditional love for the child that he was.

"Mom, dad is looking for you again."

Whenever the teenage Iah would roll his eyes at how possessive Law was, Moon would pinch his cheeks harshly and give Law a rough pet on the head, which he hated. He claimed it would diminish the respect Iah had for him, but she rebutted with 'so is expressing how sexy his mom is in front of him', which shut him up immediately.

"What's up, Law?"
"Nothing. Just missed you. What were you thinking of?"
"...The reason why my name is Moon, without a last name."

Despite his seemingly indifferent reaction, both Iah and Law was side-eyeing her with their body leaning towards her a little, signifying their desire to want in the story. Chuckling at their similarity and attempted nonchalance, she gathered them to give a short summary of her past. How she lost her parents in a storm, how she refused to drop the nickname, how she found the devil fruit, and more. She deemed Iah to be old enough, and Law to be more mature to not hunt down the townspeople that drove her away. He knew half of the story anyway, so she could relax a bit more while telling her story.

She loved how attentive they were, their eyes gleaming with emotions depending on the part of the story she was at. They did not have to be as expressive or reactive as she was. Their raw emotions shone through their stoic demeanor in front of her anyway.

Once she was done sharing her part, the two males reached out to give her a hug simultaneously, which only resulted in a reluctant group hug that Moon had to force upon them. These stupid males, being so possessive when they are clearly enjoying the hug. I guess Iah is halfway to being like his dad, she thought to herself, enjoying the warmth of her family wrapped around her arms.

Anyone could be like the moon and be the shining light upon the world, if you are you.


Thank you for reading 'Silent Room'!! I really did not expect this much of love ♡ I'm so so grateful. Hehehehe pls support my latest fanfic too! It's a modern AU one piece fanfiction with Law & Zoro (plus others too :3)

Art is from TikTok!!

Thank you Shushbye for requesting this backstory of Moon :) Hope you like it!!! 🫶🏻

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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