Episode- 76

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Episode- 76

       I sat on the horse carrying her with me.. I said to the commander, “there is a woman inside.. I want her and Tristan…..” I rushed to the palace… I fear.. that… if this child is no more….. she will not handle it good…

   As I reached the palace, I rushed her into her room, the physician rushed in, I placed her on the bed, and my heart was filling with fear.. the physician asked, “what happened to Lady?”

     I said as my eyes were not leaving her, “he hit her to harm the child… and made her  drink something to forget .. her memories..” I gulped the tears… please… All of this should be a lie…

   The physician said, “Your majesty, please.. let check on her…” she sounded worried.. so… I walked out of the room, I inhaled deeply to ease the pain, she must me fine… you are not allowed to leave me…. I don’t know what I will do without you….

        John ran to me, and he said, “Your Majesty…” I didn’t moved I was just staring at the closed door.. John said again this time louder, “Your majesty..” I turned to him… John said, “your clothes…. You should change…” change?…. I looked at myself… my clothes.. they are red.. blood… her blood.. my Estella’s blood….

      The door opened, and the physician said, “your majesty…”

    She looked  tensed, I screamed, “what?” the physician got startled… John grabbed my arm and said, “Adrian!... don’t..”

   The physician said, “Your Majesty, … Lady Estella…miscarried… the child is no more…” I stepped back… My feet are about to give up,  what I am going to tell when she wakes up….. no… she will die if she knows this…. I feast tighten as I want to kill that Tristan… how dare he?!!... I feel that I failed as father… I couldn’t even protect my child…

   I closed my eyes to control it. I looked at the physician and said, “how is Estella?” the physician said, “Lady stopped bleeding… but her body got weak…. My subordinates and taking care of her.. we can just pray that she will wake up soon…. And about her memories.. I need to know what
medicines and herbs they used…”

      I said to John,  “drag that women here… right now!!”

    John returned with the women, and her hands were tied.  John threw her on the floor, and she cried in fear. I warned, “answer every question and pray that my women to wake wake up or you are dying…”

  The woman was trembling.. the physician asked a few questions, and all this time, I wanted to kill this women…  but I didn’t. after the physician was done, I warned that women, “you will face the law for killing the royal blood.. for harming my women…”

   The women cried out, “I didn’t do anything.. I just took care of her after he punched her on the stomach… I did nothing, my Lord… spare me.. I didn’t  even know she was a noble lady..…” I looked at John, he nodded and dragged her out of there… Tristan how dare you?... you did that to her….

       The physician said, “I am afraid that Lady Estella.. might forget everything… The medicines she used are effective… I am sorry, your majesty, but we should prepare for the worst…” My feast tighten…  I punched the wall… I failed to protect her…. ah!!!.... wait… she won’t remember then… she won’t know about miscarrying …. She won’t remember our past… she won’t remember her revenge….. she will forget everything…

    I stood there thinking… is it a curse or blessing…. I won’t tell her about this child or it’s death.. I said to the physician, “if she forgets everything.. don’t tell her anything.. not even a single word…. I will create a new Ella… my Ella..”

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