Ambitious - Chapter 1

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❗️TW!! If you have any kind of fear of the ocean or drowning, don't read ahead! ❗️

Soft ripples could be heard in the distance. Droplets of water danced around her fingertips as she smiled softly. Twirling around in the vast open waters, she began swimming to shore. Long blonde locks of hair trailed behind her as she dove underwater, continuing her journey towards the nearly white sands of the oddly familiar shore ahead of her. Palm leaves swayed in the distance, the cool shade that they provided calling out to the young girl. Just as her feet could reach the sandy bank below her, she blinked and her surrounds changed.

That island oasis that awaited her was now nowhere to be seen. The once bright, sunny sky was no longer illuminated, now scattered with clouds in the deep night. Furrowing her brows, her mind was clouded with confusion. Twirling in a circle again, she saw nothing but the deep blue waters of the ocean. She began to shiver and felt something approach from below. Her reaction to try and swim away was too slow and something grabbed her ankle and pulled her below the pristine surface of the water.

She tried to scream but water filled her lungs. She kicked desperately, trying to free herself of the grip of whatever was below her. Her efforts were in vain as she was only drug deeper into the dark abyss that ultimately was her doom. She began losing conscious and closed her eyes, awaiting her death.

All of a sudden she gasped for air and it graciously entered her lungs as she shot up from her bed clenching her chest with her hand. Her breathing slowly evened out and she exhaled smoothly as she finally calmed down.

Swiftly swinging her legs over the side of the hotel bed, she dropped down to the floor and walked to the sliding door that connected her room to her bathroom. Cupping cold water in her hands, she splashed it onto her face, effectively waking her up and ensuring she was no longer in a dream.

Staring into the mirror, her reflection stared back. Two piercing blue eyes that looked as though they could kill returned the look of the other blue eyes on the other side of the mirror. Glancing away, the young girl began to prepare for the day. She brushed her hair as well as her teeth and began to pick out an outfit from her seemingly unlimited supply of clothes. Deciding on a powder blue tank top with some black jean shorts, paired with some white sneakers, she grabbed her bag and waltzed out of her room. Playing with the key card in her hands, she approached the front desk.

A tall, tan woman with eyes almost as black as her hair smiled down at the girl. "Checking out?"

The girl simply mumbled, "Mhm," and slid the card across the counter before walking away and out of the building. She typically wasn't the rude type, but recent events held an impact on her and she was too deep in thought to realize she had come across as so.

The bright sun blazed down on blonde locks of hair as the girl briskly walked through the small town in which she currently was in. Getting patched from the heat, she began to look around for a beverage store. Out of the corner of her eye she spotted a coffee shop and decided to grab an iced coffee, her favorite. After placing her order, she just so happened to "accidentally" overhear a conversation between the cashier and the barista who was making her drink.

"Don't you ever get tired of working long hours like this?" asked the cashier, who was currently not attending her post due to a lack of customers. It wasn't shocking considering it was a smaller, less known coffee shop.

"I guess so. It's not like I have any other options though. I need the cash. Why do you ask?" the barista replied, brewing me a fresh cup of coffee.

Sighing, the cashier responded, "You're still young. You have so much time ahead of you yet you choose to be a barista at some no-name cafe instead of chasing your dreams and having fun." She paused then asked, "What's something you've always wanted to do?"

Thinking for a moment, the barista replied, "Well, I suppose I've always wanted to be like my mother." The short blonde awaiting her coffee shuddered slightly at the mention of someone's mother as the barista continued making her drink.

"What's stopping you?" The cashier curiously questioned her younger co-worker.

"She was a hunter. I don't think I'm cut out to be one like she was."

"You never know until you try. Applications aren't due until tonight and the exam itself is in a couple of days, is it not? It's only an hour train ride from here to the exam site."

"I don't think I will. She died in a dangerous mission a couple years back and ever since then, I've given up on the dream entirely." The cashier hummed in response, returning to her post as a new customer walked in.

The barista then slid the drink over to the small blonde who had secretly been eavesdropping on their whole conversation.

"Here you go, hun."

"Thank you," the girl replied politely and quickly slid out of her seat and returned to the street. Slowly sipping on her coffee, she thought back to the conversation. 'The Hunter exam, huh.'

She thought about that barista's ambitions and how she was too afraid to follow her dreams. 'Perhaps the cashier was the same way and that's why she was encouraging her to not make the same mistakes.'

"I think I'll give it a try," she thought aloud, continuing on down the street she was on as the sun shone ever so brightly behind her.

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