"True Intentions" - Chapter 8

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❗️TW!! This chapter contains some slight gore! DO NOT read any further if this bothers you❗️


I hope Gon is okay. I cant focus on that right now though. What I need to do is make it past the first stage. Then I can worry about him.


Me and Killua finally merged with the main group. We continued on running in an awkward silence, neither of us knowing what to say. Eventually, we stopped at a large, brick wall with a gate in the center. I'm assuming this is where the second phase is.

I walk off and sit down against the trunk of a tree, closing my eyes preparing myself to take a nap, when the sunlight is replaced with a shadow. I open one eye before scoffing and closing it again, leaning into the trunk some more

"Are you really that tired?" Killua asked, sitting down beside me with his hands resting behind his head.

"I'm always tired. I haven't had coffee since this morning and I'm bored too, which is only making it worse." I respond, not opening my eyes to look at him. I can feel his gaze on my face.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer."

"I'm not staring at you!" He defended himself quickly.

"I never said you were." I said nonchalantly. He huffed in response. Neither of us said anything else. My mind, however, was running faster than I had during the exam. It was darting from topic to topic. My sister's advice, Killua being suspicious of me, is Gon alright? All of these things and some other minor topics were subject to my constant thinking.

"Stop thinking so hard, you look like you're about to take a shit."

"Shut up! How'd you know I wasn't asleep anyways?" I ask opening my eyes to look at him.

"Your face was all scrunched up and you looked constipated. It really wasn't that hard to tell."

I pulled my knees to my chest and rested my face on them. Clearly, he isn't going to let me get any sleep. I looked at him drowsily, waiting for him to say something else. He stared back for a few moments before speaking again.

"If you're tired, I won't keep you awake. Feel free to fall asleep."

"What, so you can kill me while I do so? Keep dreaming."

"Don't say I didn't offer." He brought his arms out from behind his head to his chest in order to cross them. He looked out into the distance and I gazed at him quizzically. Is this his way of being nice?

"Maybe I'm the one who's dreaming?" I said partly to myself and partly to him.

"Next time I won't offer then, dumbass!"

"Gosh! I never said I wasn't going to sleep. Don't get your panties in a twist." I rolled my eyes as a vain popped out from his forehead. Leaning back, I began to doze off. Just before I fell asleep, I felt myself slump against something warm. Huh, I wonder what that was.

"Stop shaking me, I'm awake." I groaned and began to rub at my tired eyes. I felt my side up against something else. It was solid and warm. Wait- trees aren't solid and warm, are they? My eyes shot open and I glanced up to see Killua's face not too far from mine.

"Took you long enough. I'm not your personal pillow you know." He said sarcastically. My face burned a deep shade of red as I quickly stood up and crossed my arms.

"That was the most uncomfortable nap of my life, so clearly you aren't that great at being one."

"That's not what it looked like as you snuggled into me for the last hour."

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