The Start of The End - Chapter 6

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❗️TW!! There is scenes of abuse in this chapter as well as thoughts of death. Please do not read any further if you're uncomfortable with any of these topics❗️


"You didn't let me finish what I was saying earlier. You asked who was the fastest, and while both of you crossed the finish line simultaneously, neither of you were the first to do so." The two young boys looked at each other in confusion before turning back to Satoz.

"Who won then?" One of them asked. His voice was slightly higher and more enthusiastic than the other one's.

Satoz then nodded in my direction, "That young lady over there finished first."

All of a sudden I sensed three pairs of eyes on me.

Present time...

I opened my eyes, turning my head and glancing at each of the three figures that stood to my left. The first one I looked at was Mr. Satoz, our examiner. I looked to his side and there stood a much shorter boy. He had deep black hair with chocolatey brown eyes that shone brightly. His safari-style outfit was bright green as well as his matching boots. Next to him stood the boy on the skateboard from earlier.

After analyzing them all for a few seconds, I smiled awkwardly at them before putting my head back down. 'What do I do? This is so awkward! They're just staring at me."

Before I knew it, two sets of footsteps were approaching me. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I opened my eyes to look up. There stood the two boys who were staring me down. I made eye contact with the blue eyed boy and maintained it. I wish one of them would say something instead of watching me. This is so awkward. I'm not used to interacting to new people so this is hard for me.

The black haired boy crouched down and obscured my view, breaking me and the other boy's eye contact. He looked me dead in the eyes. I noticed his eyes were warm and welcoming. I'd never seen such honest looking eyes in my life.

"Hi, I'm Gon! What's your name?" He enthusiastically asked me. I stared for a moment, glanced up at the blue eyed boy who stood with his arms crossed and his hip popped out. He was already looking at me with an expecting expression. I looked back at Gon, debating for a moment if I should answer him. It couldn't hurt, right?

"Oh, uhm.. I'm Abby." I replied with a voice crack. No way my voice just cracked. I can't be nervous talking to people my own age. That's so embarrassing! I flushed a bright red. His kind smile grew to a toothy grin as he stood back up from his crouched position.

"It's nice to meet you Abby! This is Killua."

"Idiot, why would you tell some stranger my name?" Killua shouted at Gon and smacked him on the upside of his head. Gon mumbled a quiet ow and rubbed the spot Killua had smacked.

"It's nice to meet the both of you," I said after I regained my composure.

"Yeah, whatever," Killua grumbled. He gave me a suspicious look out of the corner of his eyes before turning away and walking off.

Tilting my head slightly and furrowing my brows I asked Gon, "Did I do something wrong?"

"No, that's just how he is." Gon let out a chuckle and rubbed the back of his neck. I hummed in response before standing up. After doing so, I noticed Gon was a few inches taller than me. This meant I had to look up to talk to him.

I turned to walk away, assuming we were done talking. Killua doesn't seem very fond of me so it's probably best if I keep my distance.

"If you don't, you'll regret it. I'll make sure of it." I shuddered hearing her voice ring through my head as though it were only yesterday she had told me that. I took one step before I felt a hand lightly grasp my wrist and stop me.

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